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Heart Diseases : Health & Medical
Effect of Intermittent Balloon Inflations in PCI
Do intermittent PCI balloon inflations impact kidneys the way pumping iron impacts skeletal muscle?
How To Lower Cholesterol Naturally For Better Heart Health
If you have high cholesterol you can take expensive and sometimes dangerous drugs to get you levels down or you can learn how to lower cholesterol naturally. We think the second option is a better choice.
A Healthy Heart and Understanding Cholesterol
Whenever the topic of conversation turns to health, weight loss and diet, it is very likely that cholesterol and heart health will be mentioned at one point or another. People these days are very wary of their cholesterol intake, primarily because of the horror stories they have heard about what thi
Bridging Anticoagulation: Primum Non Nocere
Whether or not to bridge with heparin or other anticoagulants is a common clinical dilemma.
Take Care! Your Heart and Blood Vessels Grow Older, As You Grow Older
Your heart and blood vessels change as you age, even in the absence of any disease process. The muscle of the heart loses its elasticity, and your body's metabolic processes may produce less of the energy that the heart needs.
Killing Hedgehog to Treat CML
A potential new therapeutic strategy for chronic myeloid leukemia is discussed in this Research Highlight.
Effects of Nonpersistence With Medication on CV Disease
What kind of dividends does persistence with cardiovascular medications pay?
Key to a Healthy Heart: Exercise to Lower Cholesterol
Some of the benefits of exercise include lowering cholesterol and reducing the risk of heart disease. A major risk factor for the development of heart problems is a sedentary lifestyle. The good thing is, you can do something about this risk. Routine physical activity is extremely beneficial, especi
Gastroprotective Medication and Bleeding Risk Following ACS
Find out what percentage of ACS patients on dual antiplatelet therapy are provided with GI prophylaxis . . .
Impact of Industry Rep Visits on Coronary Stent Utilization
Does it jack up the cost of PCI when company representatives visit?
Flaxseed May Lower Sudden Cardiac Death Risk
A healthy dose of flaxseed oil or walnuts may provide enough alpha-linolenic acid to help prevent sudden cardiac death.
Cardiac Rehabilitation-Risks
After having a heart attack or surgery or discovering you have heart disease, you may be afraid to exercise or be active. You may worry that exercise will cause another heart attack or that you aren't strong enough for a cardiac rehab program. It may ease your fears to know that as you begin you
Interventional Radiology - Current and Future
Today it's amazing, but the future for interventional radiology may be even brighter . . .
Sex Differences in Outcomes in Patients With Stable Angina
Are women with stable angina and nonobstructive CAD more likely than men to have a cardiac event after catheterization?
Why a Low-Fat Diet Is Killing You
There have been major advancements in heart disease research over the past decade that disprove the low fat/cholesterol theory completely. We need fat to survive, we need cholesterol for proper functioning. There are more low fat and cholesterol free foods than ever before yet we have more heart dis
Living With Afib
Find WebMD's comprehensive coverage of day to day life with atrial fibrillation including medical reference, news, pictures, videos, and more.
Effects of Dietary Sodium Restriction on Outcomes in HF
How feasible is dietary sodium restriction and what impact does it have on BNP levels?
Signs of Heart Disease
Heart Disease is an umbrella term for conditions and diseases related to the heart. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), "heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States," killing over 700,000 people in the United States each year. Knowing the signs and