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Kidney & Urinary System : Health & Medical

Signs & Symptoms of Kidney Shutdown

Your kidneys are reddish bean-shaped organs that provide important functions for the body, including filtering the blood and releasing hormones necessary for red blood production. When these vital organs are not working, it can lead to coma, other organ failure or even death. However, the earlier yo

Optimal Targets for Blood Pressure Control in CKD

Which antihypertensive medications are most effective for patients with advanced CKD, and do clinicians generally agree upon optimal targets for blood pressure control in this subset of patients?

Interstitial Cystitis

WebMD describes interstitial cystitis (IC), including its symptoms, causes, diagnosis, and treatments.

Side Effects After Bladder Biopsy

If you are experiencing symptoms of bladder cancer, your doctor might order a bladder biopsy to see if you have cancer. There is a risk of side effects after a biopsy, which is a surgical procedure.

Drug Insight: Renal Indications of Calcimimetics

This review focuses on the role of drugs such as cinacalcet in the treatment of uremic secondary hyperparathyroidism. Another indication discussed is predialysis secondary hyperparathyroidism.

How Does a Kidney Function?

Our Essential KidneysThe two kidneys of the human body have a variety of important biological functions. Buried deep within the cavity of the abdomen, the kidneys work continuously to balance the fluids on the body, filter the blood and rid the body of waste. The kidneys are so vital to...

Signs & Symptoms of a Urinary Tract Infection in Kids

Normally, human urine contains no harmful bacteria or viruses. However, there are times when bacteria enter the urinary tract and cause infection, known commonly as a UTI or "urinary tract infection." While most adults are able to identify a UTI because of past experience or second-hand...

Vaginal Support Pessaries

When pelvic symptoms are associated with loss of structural support of the pelvic organs and vagina, vaginal support pessaries offer an important option for relief.

How to Do a Home Kidney Stone Cleanse

Your body has two kidneys that function to filter toxins and waste products from your blood. They also regulate the electrolyte levels in your body. Waste products of cellular metabolism, often rich in nitrogen, are eliminated from your body in the form of urine. Occasionally, urine can crystallize

Relief for UTI Symptoms

Repeated bathroom breaks and painful urination can point to a urinary tract infection or UTI. These types of infections result from bacteria that enter the urinary tract. More common in women, UTIs can also develop in men and children, and serious infections can bring on a kidney infection. Hence, i

Calcium & Kidney Stone Diet

Kidney stones, which most frequently form from calcium and/or oxalate crystal buildup in the kidneys, are relatively common. There are many ways to treat kidney stones that do not involve invasive surgery. Certain types of special diets and medications can help to pass kidney stones. Making sure

MS Bladder Symptoms

People with multiple sclerosis, or MS, often find it easier to talk about the feelings they experience in their limbs, or even their inability to move appendages the way they used to, than to discuss MS's effects on internal organs such as the bladder. Though it is a sensitive subject, there is no r


Jamshid Amanzadeh and Robert Reilly critically evaluate the clinical sequelae of this condition, and provide advice on managing hypophosphatemia of varying severity in different patient populations.