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Medications & Drugs : Health & Medical
What Are the Causes of Vitamin D Deficiency?
Vitamin D is present in the food we eat and the sunshine we bask in. Its main function is to maintain a balance between the calcium and phosphorus levels in our bodies; this is important for the building and maintenance of strong, healthy bone. It's difficult to believe that with the ease of repleni
Herbs & Vitamins for Hair Loss
Certain herbs and vitamins can help prevent, reduce or counter hair loss problems. Some people experience hair loss because of a deficiency in their diet. This can be easily remedied by eating a balanced meal complete with essential vitamins, minerals, proteins and fatty acids.
Protease & Healing
A protease is an enzyme that aids in the process of breaking down protein. Proteins are some of the most basic components needed by the body for health and growth, because they break down into amino acids which are absorbed by the body. When proteases cannot properly break down proteins, however,
Side Effects of Cardizem LA 120Mg
Cardizem LA is a brand name for the medication diltiazem in an extended-release tablet. A calcium channel blocker, Cardizem LA relaxes blood vessels and allows them to widen, which lowers high blood pressure. Doctors also prescribe Cardizem LA to treat angina and irregular heartbeat. Several side ef
What Are the Ingredients in Tamiflu?
Tamiflu is an oral tablet containing a number of active and inactive ingredients. The purpose behind the drug is to help fight off the virus that causes influenza. Tamiflu is designed for patients over the age of 1 and who are exhibiting symptoms for no more than two days. However, certain individua
Side Effects of Taking Sleeping Pills
Insomnia and other sleep disorders can take a toll on your personal and professional life. Over-the-counter and prescription sleep medications are often a quick solution and are available for a variety of disorders. Three forms of prescription pills exist---pills that assist with falling asleep, sta
What Are the Benefits of Evening Primrose Oil?
Evening primrose oil has an extensive list of properties that are good for the human body. It can help with mood swings that come with PMS and other menstrual disorders. It can help lower inflammation in multiple areas of the body, which lets the body then heal itself or reduce the symptoms. It has
Sodium Levels of Sea Salt Vs. Table Salt
The sodium levels of sea salt and table salt have been called into question in recent years due in large part to the marketing of sea salt. Sea salt has been marketed as a healthier alternative, but those who look closely at sea salt and table salt have often been surprised at what they find in rela
Managing Iron Deficiency Anemia of CKD With IV Iron
Do do the newer IV iron preparations require a test dose or special monitoring?
How to Balance Redox in a Basic Solution
Oxidation-reduction (redox) reactions are a type of reaction that involves the transfer of electrons between molecules. The two terms are not mutually exclusive as both oxidation and reduction must occur simultaneously. Oxidation refers to the loss of electrons; while reduction indicates the gainin
Medicare Part D: A Financial Drain for Pharmacies?
Delayed and inadequate reimbursements are being blamed for hundreds of independent pharmacies' financial woes.
What Is Gold Coin Grass?
Chinese herbs are used to increase energy, restore balance to the body, and maintain optimal health. Some people take Chinese herbal medicine to treat medical conditions in lieu of surgery. According to Julia Chang's article, "Flush Out Gallstones the Natural Way," in the June 2010 "Vitality" journa
Herbs & Healing
Herbs have been used for healing since the beginning of time. Often discounted because treatments were surrounded by secrecy, magic or folklore, modern medicine sometimes overlooks the simplest and safest treatment options for medical conditions; however science also looks to these old-fashioned rem
How to Keep Vitamins Fresh
Vitamins, like most foods and drugs, have an expiration date. After a certain period of time, they lose their potency and effectiveness. Because of cost, people often buy vitamins in bulk. If you do buy large quantities of vitamins, especially if they are natural vitamins, be sure to follow storage
Counseling Male Patients on Testosterone Replacement Therapy
Are you current with the recent updates to testosterone product labeling and new warnings concerning adverse outcomes? Learn what you need to properly counsel patients in this overview.
The Effects of Rogaine on Women
Rogaine can stimulate hair growth in women.Jupiterimages/BananaStock/Getty ImagesRogaine is a hair loss treatment for men and women that works by revitalizing hair follicles and stimulating growth. In 1992, a version for women was released. The active ingredient in Rogaine is minoxidil....
Pain Medications That Effect Glucose
Some pain medications can raise or lower the body's levels of glucose, or blood-sugar. These effects may occur from prescribed medicines or from common pain relievers.
What Are the Benefits of Bladderwrack Seaweed?
Bladderwrack, or kelp, is a variety of seaweed that is high in iodine and has been used for thousands of years to treat low thyroid levels. It is also used to stimulate the thyroid to increase metabolism and contribute to weight loss.
Anti-malarials Side Effects
Anti-malarials are used primarily to prevent malaria, though in some cases, they are also used to treat lupus. Malaria is a parasitic disease usually contracted when traveling in tropical climates. It is characterized by flu-like symptoms. Lupus is a chronic inflammatory disease that can harm the bl