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Neurological Conditions : Health & Medical
Early Clues to Alzheimer's Disease
Six years ago, Cliff Covert says, he first began noticing something was different. He was just past 50, at the top of his game, and the head of his own marketing and public relations firm in Milwaukee.
Tips to Work With Your MS Health Care Team
Multiple sclerosis (MS) may require medical care from health care team. Learn more from WebMD.
Mental Stimulation From Puzzles, Games May Delay Memory Loss
A recent study finds that increased participation in activities that stimulate the brain may delay onset of dementia-related memory decline in older seniors.
What Are Hallucinations?
WebMD explains the different types of hallucinations, including hearing voices, visual hallucinations, and smelling an odor that isn't there.
Late-Onset Pompe's Disease
Pompe's disease is a rare, but treatable disorder of glycogen metabolism. Learn about its presentation, diagnosis, and management in this review.
OnabotulinumtoxinA Muscle Injection Patterns in Spasticity
This systematic review summarizes the injection sites and dosing patterns of Botox injections for adult spasticity due to a variety of causes such as MS, stroke, or brain or cord injury.
Trio of Drugs May Improve Alzheimer's
For people with mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease, three drugs -- Aricept, Razadyne, and Exelon -- may make some modest improvement in mental function
America's Melting Pot and Treatment of ADHD
Treatment for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) may be more effective when doctors take their patients' ethnic or cultural backgrounds into account, according to a paper in the Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.
Researchers Spot Potential New Culprit Behind Alzheimer's
Abnormal levels of certain protein are more common in affected patients, study reports
When Is a Seizure Not a Seizure?
Most of us think of seizures as causing convulsive movements, but some seizures instead mimic changes of consciousness like delirium and even coma. How can we know when someone is seizing?
Multiple Sclerosis Medications - Drugs Are Not the Only Solution
There are many multiple sclerosis medications available today and the type of medication you may receive depends on the type of your MS. Multiple sclerosis medications can range from the beta interferons which tend to treat relapsing remitting MS through to a wide and varied range of different types
Intramuscular Midazolam for Status Epilepticus
From the ambulance to the emergency department, treating status epilepticus is about to get easier.
New Drugs Show Signs of Slowing Alzheimer’s
New results from ongoing clinical trials have fueled hopes for a class of Alzheimer’s drugs that target the buildup of sticky plaque in the brain linked to the disease. WebMD has the details.
Intracranial Pressure After Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
Following aneurysmal SAH, the sudden introduction of blood into the subarachnoid space results in CSF outflow resistance.
A Brief History of Early Neuroanesthesia
This interesting article outlines the early history of anesthesia use in neurosurgical procedures, prior to the discovery of ether and chloroform in the 19th century.
New Alzheimer’s Gene Found
A newly identified gene appears to increase a person’s risk of developing late-onset Alzheimer’s disease, the most common type of Alzheimer’s disease.
Longevity Gene May Protect Mind
A "longevity gene" credited with long life may also help older people think clearly and preserve their memories -- offering new clues about the agingaging process.
The BION Devices: Injectable Interfaces With Peripheral Nerves and Muscles.
Learn About BION Devices, a Novel Technology for Implantable Neuromuscular Stimulation to Treat Complications of Paralysis and Disuse Atrophy.
Sun Exposure, Vitamin D, and MRI Measures in MS
Does sun exposure have an effect on brain volume and other measures of neurodeneration in MS, irrespective of vitamin D levels?
Intraoperative Ultrasound-Assisted Peripheral Nerve Surgery
This case series demonstrates the utility of intraoperative ultrasonography in localization of peripheral nerve tumors and neuromas, limiting the need for extensive dissection.