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Neurological Conditions : Health & Medical

Vestibular Migraine

Dizziness and vertigo are common symptoms following minor head trauma. In this article, the authors review possible causes of dizziness after concussion.What constitutes vestibular migraine? Learn about the clinical symptoms, differential diagnosis, and treatment of this unusual migraine variant in

Generating Chimeric Spinal Cord

Results from the model presented demonstrate a simple and unique method for examining transplantable oligodendrocyte progenitors derived from embryonic stem cells for repair of white matter disease.

Serotonin Syndrome

Early recognition and treatment is vital. Learn more about serotonin syndrome here.

Can Statins Reduce Risk of Memory Loss?

The same drugs that protect against heart attacks and strokes by lowering cholesterol may also protect against age-related memory loss and dementia.

Can Alzheimer's Disease be Prevented?

Alzehiemer's Disease has no known cure, and the secrets to preventing it are not yet known. But research supported by the National Institute on Aging (NIA) and other public and private agencies offers tantalizing clues about the origins and development of AD.

Siblings of Autistic Kids Also at Risk

Toddler siblings of autistic children are more likely to exhibit some of the same atypical social behaviors as their brothers and sisters with autism, even when they don't go on to develop the disorder, new research shows

Lost? Why You Walk in Circles

When lost, people tend to walk in circles if they have no landmarks to guide them, German researchers report.

Alzheimer's Research and Studies

Find WebMD's comprehensive coverage of Alzheimer's research and studies including medical reference, news, pictures, videos, and more.