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Pain Diseases : Health & Medical
Both Fuse Ankle & Knee Replacement - Before and After Surgery
Many people wonder what the purpose of ankle fusion is. What it does is remove the surface of the ankle joint by connecting bones with metal rods to allow the tibia, which is your larger lower leg bone, and the talus, which is the highest bone in your foot, to grow together.
Arthritis and Class 4 Laser Therapy: The New Cutting Edge Treatment for Pain
Generally there are 2 types of laser therapy for pain, cold lasers or class 4 lasers. Lasers are in classes based on power output. When a patient has pain, the more therapeutic the laser, the more power it is putting out. The power output is represented in joules of energy. A class 1 laser has about
Tips for Doing Yard Tasks Safely
Have you noticed how the spring weather triggers many people's primal residential urges to pull weeds, plant flowers, and get the garden started? In my office, the spring weather also signifies something. It is the onset of an influx of people coming into my office with a sore back as a result
Sumatriptan-Naproxen and Butalbital
Despite the lack of FDA approval, butalbital-containing medications are still widely used for acute migraine treatments in the United States. How does it compare to an approved migraine treatment?
Foot Pain and Back Pain - Do They Relate?
I have worked many long hour shifts, to feel the effects of both foot and back pain. It took many years of suffering before I really started to notice what was happening and why my pain occurred.
Migraines - Is There a Cure for Migraines
Migraine sufferers often don't receive the sympathy that they deserve as the condition is often tagged as 'just a headache - everybody gets headaches', but anybody who suffers a migraine knows just how debilitating the condition really is. All too often all that a sufferer can do is g
Migraines - The Bane of My Existence
First off, I'd like to say that I'm not a member of the medical community. You will not find this article full of medical lingo. I am however, a woman who has suffered from migraines for over 30 years.
Muscle Soreness
Find WebMD's comprehensive coverage of muscle soreness, including medical reference, news, pictures, videos, and more.
The Science Behind Chiropractic Care
This article talks about the science behind chiropractic treatments. It will give a brief history of the origin and information about the profession.
Back Exercises and Other Pain Treatments
Neck and back pain are among the most common reasons why people go to spas and massage therapy centers. Regardless of the industry you work in or the job you do, you are prone to experience back and neck pain which can be caused by a lot of things, which include poor posture, unhealthy working condi
Racz Catheter Treatment For Your Severe Back Pain
Racz Catheter is one of treatment solution for severe back pain. Find out the concept of this treatment here and decide if it is the right treatment for your back pain.
Medication-Overuse Headache Sufferers vs Drug Addicts
Using the MMPI, the authors compared the personality characteristics and pathology of medication-overuse headache patients with that of substance abusers. Do they share common personality traits?
Natural Relief for Period Pain
It is almost inevitable; every month women have to go through the same ordeal of menstruation. A few women are lucky and barely notice when their period comes. However, a majority of women experience at least a few symptoms of discomfort in the week before or during their period. While you may feel
Vestibular Migraine - People Who Are Susceptible to the Vestibular Migraine
If you are having vestibular migraine attack, then you can not need a medication for it. Vestibular migraine is called by many terms (optical, ocular, visual, silent, typical aura without headaches, ophthalmic and migraine aura without headaches). But the migraine name doesn't mean that you wil
The Most Common Headache of All - Tension Headache
Are you a thirty five year old woman? Then I'm afraid you're a prime candidate for a tension headache.
Drug Free Headache Relief-2 Simple Strategies for Treating the Causes of Headaches
Discover simple strategies for treating the causes of headaches without the use of over the counter medication.
The Secret Cause Of Your Headaches - And How To Get Rid Of Them!
Discover the often times hidden cause of your headaches or migraines.It's fairly easy to fix once you know the cause.The problem is, most don't know the cause therefore can't find the answer to fix it.Now you'll now the true cause and a very easy solution!
Back Pain Rating Tool - Recording Intensity of Back Pain with the Category Pain
The Category Pain Intensity Scale is used to help patients record and communicate the intensity of their back pain symptoms and their neck pain symptoms. Using the Category Pain Intensity Scale is a matter of selecting the words that best describe your back pain.
Tiger Balm Ingredients
Tiger Balm is a good item to have in the medicine cabinet. Its uses are endless. Tiger Balm is good for sprained muscles, torn ligaments, muscle spasms and muscle tension. The ingredients are all natural, so there is no worry about unusual chemicals or preservatives.
4 Simple Steps to Find Pain Relief For the Lower Back
A lot of people want pain relief for lower back, so they could live a normal life. Unfortunately most people never find any permanent relief and don`t take action unless the pain becomes too severe. The truth is that getting relief for your hurting back is not that hard, in fact you only need to fol