Abortion Explained In Layman"s Terms

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Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn : Health & Medical

How to Identify Symptoms of Pregnancy Anemia

Pregnancy anemia is a deficiency of adequate levels of red blood cells and hemoglobin during various stages of pregnancy. Hemoglobin is important because it carries proteins that transport oxygen to all body tissues, especially that of the developing fetus.Most pregnancy anemia is caused by a lack o

34 Week 3D Ultrasound

This gallery contains pictures of 3D ultrasounds from all stages of pregnancy. You'll find many photos from various 3D shots.

What Causes Chemical Pregnancies?

Doctors do not know exactly what causes chemical pregnancies (very early miscarriages), but most suspect that the cause is a chromosomal problem in the sperm or egg that leads to the pregnancy failing to implant properly.

Pregnancy and Nutrition

Find WebMD's comprehensive coverage of pregnancy nutrition including medical reference, news, pictures, videos, and more.

Baby Belly at 14 Week Pregnant

Ah second trimester! Is it time for maternity clothes? Here are pregnancy photos from the second trimester, 14 weeks pregnant in this belly gallery.

How To Treat a Pregnant Woman

A pregnant woman needs support since she is going through the most crucial period of her life. She needs to be respected and she needs to be taken care off.

How Does A High Sperm Count Influence Your Baby's Gender?

I sometimes hear from couples who have been trying to become pregnant for long enough that they have had the man's sperm count tested to make sure that there are no problems. Some then contact me and wonder whether, if that this testing indicated a high sperm count, does this make them more lik

Easy Effective Tips To Help You Get Pregnant

When it comes to getting pregnant it is very important that you plan. There is a variety of reasons for this, but the most important of which is to ensure you have a healthy pregnancy.

Natural Infertility - There Is No Reason To Feel Despair

Natural infertility is an issue that concerns both men and women, especially married couples, all over the world. The inability to conceive a child is often misconstrued as a problem associated only with females. The truth is though men are not spared from natural infertility. Both men and women can

Modern Methods of Family Planning

Modern methods of family planning can help if you want to avoid getting pregnant. According to the Epigee website, natural methods of family planning, such as tracking your basal body temperature and charting your menstrual cycle, have been used for decades. Male condoms have also been around for


Find WebMD's comprehensive coverage of c-section, including medical reference, news, pictures, videos, and more.

How You Can Get Cheap Maternity Clothes At Low Prices

If you are going to be expecting a baby with your spouse, then you absolutely must purchase nursing clothes as they will make breastfeeding much easier. Fortunately, choosing from a wide selection of maternity outfits has never been easier so here are some tips to get you started.

33 Weeks - Stretch Marks

This mom-to-be is 33 weeks pregnant with her first baby. Note her stretch marks in this pregnancy photo. Stretch marks! Words that strike fear in the heart of every pregnant woman. Come see how they vary from belly to belly. See big stretch marks and small ones.

Things You Must Never Do When Pregnant

Pregnancy is a very sensitive condition that one has to observe the proper ways in doing things. Pregnant women generally take precautions in order to protect themselves and especially the life inside their womb that depends on them for survival. If you are pregnant, there are actually some things t

Make Your Visit to the Gynecologist Count

Taking care of one's reproductive system is essential in keeping an individual's overall health in good condition. This is especially true today when illnesses, such as breast cancer