Abortion Explained In Layman"s Terms

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Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn : Health & Medical

3-D Ultrasound: Do You Really Need It?

Despite considerable marketing hype about it, three-dimensional ultrasound has benefits in only a few situations, according to researchers who spoke at a meeting of maternal-fetal medicine specialists.

How Your Body Will Change During Each Stage of Pregnancy

Pregnancy is different for every woman. Or more precisely, pregnancy is different every time. No two pregnancies are alike, and while there are established, observed physiological changes that occur in women during pregnancy, they don't all occur at the same time and they don't all occur i

How does testing of human sperm help in IVF success?

Scientists have developed a ground-breaking method for testing the quality of a sperm before it is used in IVF and increase the chances of conception. Researchers at the University of Edinburgh, funded by the EPSRC ...

The Danger of Experiencing an Ectopic Pregnancy

There are few things more exciting in the world than finding out you're pregnant. Seeing those two lines on the home pregnancy test can be a thrilling time to say the least. However, some women ...

How Soon Does the Depo Shot Work?

How Depo Provera WorksDepo Provera is a type of birth control administered via an injection in either the upper arm or hip every three months. The injection contains synthetic progesterone. Progesterone primarily prevents pregnancy by stopping ovulation. However, it also thickens the...

Looking to learn more about Astrology

Individuals can learn astrology at any desired level. Be it beginners level, or an advanced level, astrology can be learnt with minute to overview detailing very easily. There is no need to find a tea

Pregnant Women Need More Exercise

Studies show that pregnant women are not getting enough exercise to maintain good health in pregnancy. Learn what the requirements are for a healthy lifestyle in pregnancy.

Do You Want To Prevent Pregnancy Stretch Marks?

One of the most arguable questions in the medical world is whether you can actually prevent pregnancy stretch marks. Logically, it seems highly unlikely that they can be completely prevented, simply because the skin around the abdomen, breasts and thighs are stretched during pregnancy, and then slow

13 Weeks Pregnant - 6 Days After Abdominal Surgery

This mom is 13 weeks pregnant with her third baby (seventh pregnancy). This photo is taken 6 days after abdominal surgery to remove her right ovary and a tumor the size of a honeydew melon.

Top 5 Sexual Tips For Conceiving a Baby Fast

There has been a general hustle and bustle about sex positions to conceive fast. Sex positions to conceive fast are often based on the fact that sperm cells need to be deposited as close as possible to the opening of the cervix for the sexual intercourse to be effective. Most of the researches that

Pregnancy Experience - What You Can Expect

Pregnancy is really a blessed moment, where a woman carries her offspring inside her uterus. Pregnancy will certainly be with several gestations, in case of triplets or twins.

Finding Time To Exercise After Pregnancy

If exercise is so obviously the answer to losing weight after childbirth, then why aren't more women doing it? The answer isn't as tricky as you may think.One problem most new mothers will report is that they don't feel that they have enough time to exercise after birth. This is a com

43 and Trying to Get Pregnant Information

When a woman conceives, this could be among the happiest days of her life especially if it would be her first child. It is for this reason that many women who are in their forties and are still not capable of getting pregnant become frustrated. Perhaps you have any idea that women of 43 and trying t

Basic Infertility Information For Parents

Getting infertility information can be an embarrassing situation for many people who have not discussed it with their physician. Being infertile means that a couple is unable to conceive after a minimum of one year actively trying, or a woman who continues to miscarry is also considered infertile.