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Health & Medicine Journal & Academic : Health & Medical

Accuracy of CPT Evaluation and Management Coding by Family Physicians

Currently there is a great deal of interest by the government and in the lay press on current procedural terminology (CPT) coding. CPT guidelines mirror the change from a charge-based system to a fee schedule that reflects the resources used in providing care.

Recombinant Factor for VIIa for Uncontrolled Bleeding

Coagulation factor VIIa (Recombinant) (rF.VIIa; NovoSeven) was approved for use in the United States by the Food and Drug Administration in March 1999 for the treatment of bleeding episodes in patients with hemophilia A or B with inhibitors to factor VIII or factor IX.

Chelation Therapy Is TACT-less

Why is chelation therapy still widely used, given the lack of evidence of benefit and the potential to do harm?