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Health & Medicine Journal & Academic : Health & Medical

Reflux Esophagitis: Does the Choice of PPI Matter?

This analysis compared the long-term outcomes of commonly used proton-pump inhibitors used in the treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease. Is one significantly more effective than the others?

Lamivudine vs Tenofovir in HIV/HBV Coinfection

This study examines the effects of lamivudine vs tenofovir-containing antiretroviral therapy on HBV-related outcomes in patients with HIV/HBV coinfection in Southern Africa.

Promoting Recovery-Oriented Mental Health Services

Recovery-oriented mental health services, in which consumers actively participate in developing treatment plans, are increasingly viewed as more effective and efficient than the traditional model.

Screening for Strongyloides

Strongyloidiasis is an intestinal helminthic infection common among the mentally disabled population and can cause persistent occult infection before resulting in disseminated, possibly fatal disease.