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Health & Medicine Journal & Academic : Health & Medical

Twisted Benign Ovarian Teratoma

What was the origin of this 35-year-old woman's sudden lower abdominal pain accompanied by vomiting and generalized pruritus?

Balancing Paediatric Anaesthesia

Safe and efficacious advances in paediatric anesthesia are dependent on good preclinical research. This article reviews the current state of preclinical research in paediatric anaesthesia.

Idiopathic Colonic Varices

Can you diagnose this 27-year-old man, who presented with a 1-week history of fatigue and tarry stools?

Women and Heart Disease

For women with heart disease, what two obstacles must be overcome to get an accurate diagnosis?

The Importance of Good History Taking: A Case Report

This case emphasizes the importance of thorough history-taking, which helped reveal an underlying debilitating vasculitic neuropathy in this elderly woman initially diagnosed with stroke.