Undergo Implantable Contact Lens Rather Than LASIK

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Eye Health & Optical & Vision : Health & Medical

Retina Problems and Chronic Kidney Disease

Hypertension and kidney disease often do interact, and diabetes frequently involves extra complications such as high blood pressure and strain on the kidneys. So it's probably not a surprise that retinopathy - which is a very high risk for diabetics - can also factor into hypertension and kidne

Where to Get Your Glasses in The Woodlands, TX

When purchasing a new pair of glasses in The Woodlands, TX, you should consider affordability and variety. A few Woodlands eye clinics offer both as well as experienced optometrists and multiple locat

Varifocal Explained

Varifocal and Bifocal lenses are corrective lenses used in eye glass eye wear to correct presbyopia and any other disorders of eye adjustment. Both varifocal and bifocal have a gradient of increasing lens power. Essentially, the gradient starts at a minimum at the top of the lens and reaches a maxim

To Be More Personalized With Frameless Sunglasses

Sun glasses are now some of the most widely used vision protection and accessories among wearers of different ages. If looked from different standpoints, these sun wear can also be categorized into various groups, each of which has their own features and peculiarities. Of so many specified categorie

How Much Does LASIK Cost?

When most people think about getting LASIK Eye Surgery, the first thing that usually pops into their minds is "How much will this procedure cost?"Unfortunately, due to the numerous Low Cost LASIK commercials that seem to be continuously advertised, this question has become mired in a web o

Lutein and Zeaxanthin - Guardian of Eye Vision

"Lutein" (Xanthophyll) also known as the plant lutein, and also one kind of Carotene that coexist in the nature with the zeaxanthin. When lack of lutein will cause the yellow spot degeneration and blurred vision easily and appear to deterioration of eyesight, symptoms such as short-sighted

Lasik Surgery During Pregnancy

Female patients of mine often ask whether having a child will affect their ability to undergo Lasik eye surgery. Actually, pregnancy can affect the eyes in many ways so it is important to understand what considerations should be made for pregnant women who are considering Lasik. These things should

Eye Health Resources

WebMD gives you a list of resources for information about eye health and certain eye-related conditions like glaucoma and diabetes.

Types Of Contact Lenses And Everyday Eye Care With Contacts

There are two types of general contact lenses. Soft lenses and rigid gas permeable lenses are the two types of lenses. The rigid gas permeable is also known as RGP's.Soft contact lenses are easier to wear because they are more moveable than that of RGP's. This makes them more comfortable t

Use The Power Of Focusing To Improve and Restore Your Vision

Having a perfect vision is a dream these days because a vast majority of people are having different sorts of eye problems and that is why people are looking for exercises and treatments to improve eyesight. Regrettably, it is that part of our body through which we see and perceive this world. If th

Introduction of Contact Lenses in Various Fields of Human Activities

With the advancement of technology in every field of work, the lifestyle of people nowadays has become very sophisticated. This change has occurred in almost every aspects of human life; the field of business, music, games and most important the medical field. The advancement of technology in the me

Understand How to Improve Eyesight

It is a fact of life that as we age our vision deteriorates. The older we get the weaker our eye muscles become and it takes longer for our corneas to repair themselves if they get damaged. It is important to maintain good eyesight as otherwise it can cause many problems in our lives.

The Importance Of Cataract Surgery

One needs to be aware of the importance of cataract surgery and it is equally important to know when one needs to get a cataract surgery done. This eye syndrome has grown over the years and Cataracts affect the eyes and invites a lot of negative symptoms.

Blindness - What to Know to Guide You on What to Do

Blindness cases have gone up in Minnesota.As diabetes risk goes up so does this complication. The Department of Health in Minnesota released the statistics that the main cause of blindness is diabetes. Around 500 to 800 become blind each year due to the complications of this condition.

Dry Eye Treatment - Find the Correct One by Pinpointing the Root Cause

If you are seeking dry eye treatment, then the first thing that you should know is what may cause dry eyes. Only when the causes are pinpointed can an effective healing process be chosen wisely. Dry eye syndrome has become increasingly popular among the working people in this society.