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Personal Finance : Business & Finance

Advantages and Disadvantages of a 403(b) Plan

Saving for retirement is essential if you want to enjoy your retirement without excessive financial concerns and major household budget cuts. Deciding among available retirement savings plans can prove a complex process, especially since each option has its own pros and cons. A 403(b) plan can serve

Kentucky Child Support Guidelines

Non-custodial and custodial parents who are going through a divorce or separation must contact the Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services to receive child support court orders so they know the minimum amount of money the state requires them to provide to their child or children. The state-e

Admission Facts for a Student Scholarship

Just because you've received a college scholarship does not mean a school is required to admit you. All scholarships are different, and it's important to understand how each relates to the admission process. Some scholarships offered by private organizations or charities have no bearing at all on yo

Buy Dinar From The Most Trusted Source

Investment is a foreign currency has become a new trend these days. Though it is a bit challenging, yet it is potentially profitable. It is all about buying and selling currencies in the foreign market. ...

Keys To Getting High Structured Settlement Payments

If you have been injured in an accident or someone has been irresponsible and causes you to have an injury, you may be eligible for damages. If you are entitled to damages, you could agree ...

Educational Savings Account Requirements

Taking advantage of the ESA program early can go a long way in helping pay for your child's education.saving image by Lyle Doberstein from Fotolia.comCoverdell education savings sccounts, (ESAs) formerly known as education IRAs, are investment vehicles designed to help save for a child's...

What Makes a Car a Total Loss?

Accidents are an unfortunate part of driving. That is why liability automobile insurance is required of every driver in every state across America. When a vehicle's repair costs outweigh its fair market value, the car is considered a total loss, regardless of the amount of damage the vehicle actua

How to Safeguard Your Financial Life

The first step on the road to financial stability is clearing your short term debts, which is in essence everything except your mortgage. The second is to have some type of emergency fund, what individuals ...

Reasons to Rollover a 401k to an IRA

IRAs maintain the tax advantages of a 401k account.tax forms image by Chad McDermott from Fotolia.comA 401k plan is a tax-deferred retirement savings plan offered by some companies for their employees. When you leave the company, you are allowed to roll over your 401k money into another...

How to Repair Damaged Credit Quickly

Repairing credit can be difficult after a job loss, bankruptcy or other financial setback. Tenacity and conscious money management are needed to get back on track. The FICO score is affected by payment history, amount owed, payment history length and new credit applications. There is no magic fo

Housing Benefits & the GI Bill

The Servicemen's Readjustment Act of 1944, popularly known as the GI Bill, is largely to considered to be one of the most important pieces of legislation ever passed through Congress. Despite the fact that the GI Bill provides fairly well-liked benefits for those in the armed forces, it was original

How to Read Credit Report Scores

Having a positive credit score is important to securing financing for purchases like a home or car. There are three credit bureaus that report credit scores in the United States: TransUnion, Experian and Equifax. They use a scoring model that ranges from 500 to 850 points, with 850 as the best possi

Standard Mortgage Terms

When purchasing a mortgage, many borrowers are confused by the terminology used by lenders. There are several mortgage terms that are not used in every day language that can easily be misunderstood. With the basic knowledge of several standard mortgage terms, a borrower can more...

What Is a Visa Card Number?

The Visa card number is the series of 16 digits on the front of you Visa card written above your name. The number is recorded by stores when you make purchases of goods or services.

How to Get a Money Order and Fill One Out

Money orders are one of the safest ways to send money. They are considered guaranteed since they are pre-paid in advance for the amount specified on the money order. They are also very convenient to purchase. The United States Post Office offers money orders, as well as convenience and g

How to Find the Highest Certificate of Deposit Rate

A Certificate of Deposit, or a CD is a fixed term, fixed interest rate "safe" savings vehicle. If you are putting money into a savings account it is important to find the best interest rate (or highest yield) available for your money.

Income Guidelines to Apply for Food Stamps in Honolulu

Hawaii's SNAP Program prevents children from low-income families from going hungry.dinner image by anna karwowska from Fotolia.comThe Supplement Nutritional Assistance Program (SNAP), formerly the Food Stamp Program, provides assistance to thousands of needy families in Hawaii, including...

Will Voluntary Repossession Affect Credit?

Your credit is influenced by many different financial factors. The MyFICO credit scoring website explains that it considers how promptly you pay credit cards and loans, whether you have ever had a collection account, how close your accounts are to the credit limits and if you have ever had a financi

What Type of Income Affects Your Social Security Income?

A 2003 Social Security Administration study of the impact of Social Security on the baby-boomer generation (those born from 1946 to 1984) indicates that, "Similar to current retirees, Social Security will account for about two-fifths of the projected family income at age 67 and will be received by a