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Personal Finance : Business & Finance

How to Borrow Against a Roth IRA for Your Home

Roth IRA accounts are retirement vehicles that take on tax-free contributions from you and possibly from your employer. These plans mature when you turn 70 1/2. At this time, you can take the full disbursement without incurring any tax or early-withdrawal penalties. While borrowing strictly from an

Government Grants for Going Green

Grants to support activities to use sustainable energy --- also known as green energy, or going green --- can be obtained from a number of government sources. Individual homeowners planning to make changes to their home or appliances, as well as businesses and energy professionals who hope to modern

Availing a Personal Loan

There are many reasons why someone would need to apply for a personal loan. The best loans to apply for are the type of loans that can be provided to you in a short period ...

Understanding Money Budget Planner

You may wonder why your money seems to disappear, where it all goes and how to plug the leakage. These are all uncertainties that can spring up when it comes to bill-paying time every month. Depending on your personality type, there are ways to get better control of the daily, monthly and yearly m

How Credit Counseling Affects a Score

If you're considering credit counseling, then your credit score is important to you. The risks of the counseling hurting your credit score will have to be weighed against the alternatives if you don't seek counseling. If you'll ultimately pay off your debt sooner and avoid late fees or bankruptcy or

Do it Yourself Fast Credit Repair

Some people hire credit repair agencies to fix a low credit score. But there are several do-it-yourself tips for bad credit. You can reverse a low credit score, and often it doesn't involve paying a fee. Learning the ins and outs of credit, and making wiser choices, can quickly undo a low score.

How to Appeal an SSI Denial

The Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program provides monthly cash benefits to eligible individuals who are over the age of 64 years, blind or disabled. Applicants must qualify based on income and resource limits. If you have been denied SSI benefits or your benefits have been terminated, file an

Is a Distribution From a Retirement Account Income in Pennsylvania?

For a comfortable retirement, you may may need to accumulate hundreds of thousands dollars in savings before leaving the work force. To meet that end, you can put money into a retirement account. Retirement account distributions, however, do present important income tax ramifications at the federal

Is There Such a Thing As a Legitimate Mortgage Modification?

It's easy to fall victim to scammers when you're searching for a mortgage modification. You're worried that because of a financial crisis you won't be able to pay your mortgage bill on time. Miss too many payments and you might lose your home to foreclosure. Plenty of scam artists promising mortgage

How to Price Power Tools for a Yard Sale

A yard sale is an excellent way to clear out those power tools that are collecting dust at the back of your garage. However, deciding what to charge for them may take some work and some research. Yard sales make money, but they don't make you rich. Don't expect to get back what you paid for the powe

What Is an ACH Number?

An Automated Clearing House or ACH number is a way of transferring money from one bank account to another. ACH numbers are frequently used for transactions that could be completed either with a check or with a credit card. However, ACH-based transactions have different characteristics from check or

Federal School Pell Grants

A college education may be less expensive than you think. Federal Pell Grants provide low-income students with a source of college funding that does not have to be repaid. The majority of student aid comes from federal education loans and grants, according to the College Board. You may qualify for a

Need Money Today

Do you need money today,and would you like to make it at home? Well there are some things you can do that will make you a little money each and every day. Will you become ...

What Is The Proper Way to Establish Personal Credit & Buy a Business Truck?

Establishing personal credit to buy a business truck suggests that you are prepared to combine your personal and business expenses. There is nothing wrong with that, and it's done all time by small business owners. People who cut lawns, paint houses or have mobile car washes often use their personal

What Are the Parts of a Prospectus?

A prospectus is a legal document required by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) for companies that are registering securities for sale to the public. The document is required under regulation C of the Securities Act of 1933.

Can You Draw Unemployment While Going to School?

Unemployment benefits under the federal-state Unemployment Insurance Program are exclusive to unemployed workers who have lost their employment due to no fault of their own. So, if you leave your job voluntarily to go back to school, you will not qualify for unemployment benefits. However, if you ar

How to Compare Certificate of Deposit Rates

Certificates of deposit, known as CDs for short, provide bank customers with a higher rate of interest in exchange for a loss of liquidity. CDs offer a fixed interest rate over a set term during which the customer cannot withdraw the money without paying a significant penalty. When comparing CDs, yo