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Dog Breeds : Pets & Animal

DIY Puppy ID Bands

Some breeds of dogs have large amounts of puppies and it can be difficult to tell them apart. Golden retrievers can have as many as nine puppies in one litter and, with the exception of some mild variations in color, it might be virtually impossible to tell them apart. When puppies are born, they ne

How to Use Dog Training Treats to Make Him Learn

There are a number of methods that you can use to do dog training. If you want to train a dog in the safest and most reasonable way, you should use treats, just like the professionals say you should.

Dog Collars - Your Dog Has a Personality, So Why Not Show It

All dogs have their own personality, so why not reflect this in their dog collar. There are many cheap and cheerful pet collars on the market but that is not the best way to choose the right one for your pet as it will not last very long.

Do You Need a Pet Barrier to Create a No Trespassing Zone for Your Pet?

How do you keep your own animal away from certain areas of your home or yard? Consider an electronic avoidance product, like an indoor cat fence or wireless dog barrier. These simple to use products will keep your dog or cat from jumping on your couch, the kitchen counter or out of the trash or baby

The First Night Your Puppy Is At Home

For anyone who's ever known the joy and anticipation of waiting to bring a new puppy home, you know what it's like when you finally bring your prize home. The first night your puppy is at home with you is loaded with excitement. That's why it's best to plan ahead so both you and

Dog Food Allergies and Hot Spots - Is There a Connection?

So, what exactly are dog hot spots? "Hot spots" are an inflamed, raw and sometimes oozing mess on your dog's skin. They are caused by infections and sit on the surface of the skin. They can appear and spread in a matter of hours. When they start, most dogs chew and lick them until the

John & Kate Plus 8 and 2 Puppies

John & Kate Gosselin decided to get not one but two German Shepherd puppies for Christmas. A puppy should never be a present. Deciding to add a dog to your family should be a well thought out decision. A puppy is a huge, long-lasting and costly commitment. It was completely irresponsible of Jon and

Behavioral Problems in Dogs

Dogs are naturally social beings who seek attention and thrive on interaction with people and other animals. If a dog is being chained in the same spot for a long period of time, it will suffer from extreme psychological damage.

How to Get Rid of Constipation in Dogs

Constipation is a part of life for humans and animals alike. Dogs can suffer from constipation. There are a variety of ways to not only alleviate constipation but also take precautions so that constipation in dogs doesn't happen.

Benefits & Barriers of Owning a Dog

The benefits of owning a dog include improving owner health, protection and also social and psychological benefits. The barriers of owning a dog include indifference to the benefits, lack of information, financial obligations, misbehavior of owner or dog, training problems, breed issues and also psy

House Training a Puppy - Get Started Today

House training a puppy is one of the first things you'll do when you bring home that cute little pet that your whole family loves. Before you actually decide on getting a puppy determine if you and your family will have the time to house train your puppy or the process may never work out perfec

How to Tell When My Dog Is Ready to Have Puppies

Breeding dogs is a long and involved process with plenty of prenatal preparation and a long wait. A dog's gestation is about 58 to 68 days, with an average whelping date around the 63rd day after her fertilization. When the time for whelping finally arrives, it can be difficult for a dog owner to k

How to Make Fleece Rope Toys for Dogs

A fleece rope toy is soft enough for a dog to bite into and shake around, yet the material is elastic enough to withstand some serious tugging. The toy will probably last longer in the paws of smaller dogs rather than robust, lockjaw breeds like the pit bull or bulldog. The materials to make the toy

Treating a Staph Infection in Dogs

Dogs, just like people, are susceptible to skin infections. Staph infections are common, and the treatment for canine skin infections is similar to treating staph infections in humans.

Doberman - A Guide To The Breed

The Doberman is a carefully crafted amalgamation of several breeds.One German man spent 60 years of the 19th century perfecting the ultimate loyal, intelligent, ferocious protection dog. Since then Dobermans have served with honour in the Second World War and become excellent household pets that mix

Dog Care Information - A Short Overview of Exotic German Shepherds!

Dog care information for German shepherd puppies consist of the vaccinations, potty training, and also obedience training. In regard to Dog care information for German shepherd puppies, do not ever overfeed your puppy because it can grow to be an obese dog. Taking care of for the dog's coat is

Dog Training - How Long Should Dog Training Sessions Be?

Every morning, the first task of the day is to answer dog training questions that I get everyday. This morning there was a great question that I decided write an article about it because it is a common one.