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Pets Cats : Pets & Animal

How the Experts Determine When a Cat is Senior in Its Life

If cats as a species have a serious fault, it is that their lives are so much shorter than our own. You bring home a baby kitten, and it seems like the next thing you know she is a senior feline. If you adopted your cat as an adult, the days you share may seem even fewer.

Learn How Your Cat is Able to Lose Weight

Cats are great pets and they are some of the most relaxed that you will ever see. This can cause them to gain weight. Learn some helpful tips that will help them to lose it.

How to Groom Your Cats at Home

We all know that cats love to keep themselves clean and are able to groom on their own. However, this does not mean that we, being their human friends, should not help them. Whether they like it or not, our kitties require our help in order to avoid being affected by certain cat health problems.

The Effects of Cat Dander

Cat dander can wreak havoc on a person's sinus and immune systems. Allergic reactions to cat dander can happen at any time, even if you weren't allergic before. However, cat lovers can still live harmoniously with their feline counterparts if a few special precautions are taken before cat dander bec

Handmade Cat Scratchers

Cats need to take care of their claws and you need to protect your furniture. You can’t stop a cat from their scratching instincts, but you can save your furniture by giving your cat its own scratching post. There is no need to buy expensive cat trees. Your cat is not so snobby to turn up its

How to Save Your Sofa From Cat Clawing, Scratching

If you have a cat that likes to claw your furniture, then you know just how destructive this behavior can be. Cats, of course, need to scratch, but there are steps you can take to save your sofa and favorite furniture items, while allowing your feline friend to partake in this necessary behavior. Sc

Understanding Feline AIDS

FIV, also known as the Feline Immunodeficiency Virus, is one of the most serious cat health problems today, often having devastating consequences. Feline AIDs is said to have affected nearly 14% of the feline population worldwide while affecting nearly 2% within the United States. The following arti

Dangerous Foods for Cats

While you may know that chewing on houseplants is bad for cats, you may be unsure whether feeding your cat a few table scraps is safe. If you are a cat owner, it's important to know which human foods are unhealthy or dangerous for cats and how to protect your feline friend from consuming dangerous f

Understand Your Cats to Prevent Cat Urine Odor Problems

Absolutely nothing is more annoying than cleaning up the horrendous stench of cat pee. The urine smell spreads throughout your entire household and can be difficult to locate and completely clean. With this in mind, keeping your cat from urinating outside the box before it happens will minimize the

December Cats Picture Gallery: Garfield

We celebrate red cats in our December Picture Calendar, but we love them year-round. December is a great month for snuggling with your cat in front of a crackling fire, particularly if your cat mirrors the colors of the flames. And of course we can't forget that December is red for the color of

How to Stop You Cat From Scratching the Furniture

There is no doubt that cats are lovable creatures who can worm their way into your heart. However, even the most ardent cat lover can be driven to distraction by one of very annoying habit of scratching the furniture.

Cat Allergies - What to Expect

Most causes for pet allergies are common:80 percent of dogs are allergic to airborne particles, 15 percent fleas, and five percent to food.Cats are a lot different.The biggest pet health offender on the kitty side is fleas, probably as much as 80 percent of cats are allergic to fleabites.This is a m

Feline Renal Disease

Feline renal disease is a condition that affects kidney function in cats. The disease often develops in cats as they age. As kidneys lose nephrons--the units responsible for waste elimination--toxins that are usually filtered out of the cat's body begin to build up and cause harm. The first signs us

How Can I Keep My Cat Happy - The Obvious Solution

Keeping your cat happy has several pay offs. Firstly, a happy cat is less likely to play up, as a result of which, your furniture will stay in far better condition. As will your wallpaper, favourite cushion and shins.

Feline Paraneoplastic Alopecia

Your elderly cat is losing weight and you notice major areas of hair loss on her body. After extensive tests and examinations, your veterinarian tells you that the hair loss is called paraneoplastic alopecia, and it's a sign that your pet has a much more serious disease. Learning what the hair loss

Why Will a Cat Not Use a Litter Box?

Cats are among the easiest pets to housebreak. Often, showing your cat the litter box is all you need to do to get her started. If your cat does not use the litter box, it may be for a variety of reasons.

Handle With Care - Picking Up Your Pets Properly

Just like humans, pets are often in need of love and affection, and if you're the owner of a small cat or dog, you may have the occasional need to pick them up and hold them. Although not all pets are cuddly because they're small -- in fact, a 90 pound Labrador Retriever is more likely to

Feline Cancer Treatments

Cats can develop cancer in any organ in the image by matko from Fotolia.comAccording to Pet, cats can develop cancer in any body system or any organ in the body. Some types of cancer that occur in cats are slow growing and some may be more aggressive. The type of...

Feline Stress

Cats can seem to be very relaxed and calm animals. Their natural, graceful motions would not indicate an animal on edge. But the truth is that cats are very sensitive animals and can develop harmful stress. If a cat changes locations or there is another significant change in their environment, like