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Pets Cats : Pets & Animal
5 Secrets For Litter Box Success
5 tips that will help resolve any litter boxes problems you and your cat may have.
Persian Cat Breed Information
The Persian cat is said to be the most popular breed in the world, according to the World Society of Persian Breed Fanciers. Commonly used as show cats, Persians are ongoing leaders in ratings by the Cat Fanciers' Association and European cat clubs and associations.
Reasons to Own a Cat Tree
The majority of households own at least one pet, with the most common pets being cats and dogs. Dog owners expect to purchase material items for their beloved pooches such as doggie beds, dog houses... etc.
Black Cats Picture Gallery 2: Spooky
October has almost always been known as Black Cat Month, and our cats picture galleries would not be complete without photos of sleek black cats. Indeed, black cats have an avid following year-round.Enjoy these photos of these "home-grown panthers" and if you are fortunate enough to share
Human Foods and Your Cat's Health
Your cat's health depends on a proper diet and the proper supplements to maintain it's health. Also you need to remember that some of the things we eat are harmful to your cat.
How to Feed Your Cat Properly - Making Sure That Your Cat Gets the Vital Nutrients
When you go to the supermarket do you just throw anything and everything in the cart to take home to your family, without checking the labels? The answer is probably no, you know the importance of making sure that your family is getting everything that they need in a balanced nutrient enriched diet.
Should I feed my cat dry food or canned food?
Should I feed my cat dry food or canned food? Questions and answers from the About Guide to Cats.
How to Give a Cat a Sponge Bath
It is rare that a cat needs a bath. Most cats are scrupulous in their grooming and need little help from their humans. However, there are times when your cat may get into grease, mud or other substances that will require a bath. If your cat is ill and unable to groom herself, you may need to bathe h
How to Make Cat Repellent for Furniture
Cats are known to scratch their nails on furniture. You can't be everywhere all the time, so you won't always be able to catch them. Since it is difficult to teach a cat to keep their claws off of furniture, a better solution is to make a cat repellent. You can spray your furniture with the repellen
How to Treat Persistent Feline Herpes in Cats
Feline herpes is a virus that is easily spreadable when a cat comes in contact with a cat that is infected with the virus. The virus is difficult to treat as the virus contaminates anything that comes in contact with the cat and can reinfect the cat after it was initially treated. The key to elimina
Black & White Cat Breeds
Black and white cats are known as tuxedo, bicolor or jellicle cats. There are several cat breeds with these color patterns including American Shorthairs, Persians and Turkish Angoras. Tuxedo cats are also common in domestic longhairs and shorthairs.
Container Cats Picture Gallery 2: Angel and Jasper
Cats are noted for their propensity of seeking out places to hide - places not originally intended for cats, such as kitchen sinks, boxes, baskets, slippers, and such. We've put together a photo gallery of container cats - pictures guaranteed to bring a smile, a chuckle, or even a belly laugh.
How to Keep a Neighbor's Cat From Using Your Cat Door
No matter how hard you try to make your cat an indoor cat, some cats just want to go outside sometimes, too. Your cat can use a cat door and come and go as he pleases. But what happens when the neighbor's cats also discover your cat door, and begin using the new access to your home? Neig
I'll Take My Cat
Cats and dogs, the ageless question of which one makes the better companion and why.
How to Solve Litter Box Problems
Probably the main problem that cat owners face is soiling and cats spraying in various places, even if a litter box is around. It is very difficult to maintain a clean house if you have more than two cats soiling the place. Floors, carpets, furniture, and even your shoes are fair game.
Cutest Cat Contest Picture Gallery: Woody
Cutest Cat Contestant Woody. Is your cat the cutest cat in the world? is pleased to announce the Cutest Cat Picture Contest. Please read the rules carefully, then submit your Cutest Cat photo by following these Guidelines.
Feline Health
Pets often suffer from many of the same kind of health conditions that afflict humans. It is important to stay up-to-date with the help of your feline friend to ensure that he remains healthy. A cat is often very good at hiding symptoms that indicate ill health. You may not realize that your cat is
Introducing a New Cat
Introducing a new cat into the home cat can be a scary thing not just for your new cat but for the other cats that already live there. Throwing them all in together and expecting them to be friends will not work. Neither will keeping them apart for ever in the house. The key is time and patience and
How to Keep Indoor Cats Entertained
Indoor cats do not have the same opportunities for fun as outdoor cats. They can not climb trees, run for miles, chase birds and stalk squirrels. Just because they don't have access to this stimulation, does not mean they don't crave it. An indoor cat can be treated to similar opportunities if the r