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Photography : Society & Culture & Entertainment

Professional Video Production Lighting Techniques To Use

As we all know that creating a video is all about having the right skills and applying them in the right manner. You need to have some on-screen talent and a camcorder in order to generate some fine results.

How to Set Up Studio Monitors

When creating a recording studio, proper placement and setup of the monitors is crucial to get an accurate baseline sound for mixing. Placement of monitors becomes even more important if you can't treat the room with acoustic foam. In addition to the monitor placement, you need to plan for the place

What You Need for a Photo Shoot

A photo shoot is a process where various photos are taken at a specific location such as a park or a studio. It is the photographer's aim and responsibility to take and find the best pictures that fit the requirements of the assignment.

Photography Project Ideas II - 10 Assignments to Stimulate Your Creativity

In my last article on photography project ideas, I talked about the need for photographers to think out of the box, and stimulate their creativity by photographing subject matter outside of their comfort zone. Here, I present 10 self-assignments that you can use to get your own creative juices flowi

Canon EOS Rebel XSi - How Does it Compare to Other Cameras?

Are you interested in buying a new camera? If you are, you probably want to know which camera will give you the most value for the money you spend. If you are looking at the Canon EOS Rebel XSi, then you are looking at a camera that utilizes the latest and greatest technologies that offers one of th

Photography Terminology - What is a Fixed-Focus Lens?

The lenses on high-quality cameras require focusing to achieve clear photos. Simple cameras, on the other hand, rely on fixed-focus lenses that do not need adjustment to get sharp photos. While it might appear that inexpensive cameras offer an advantage, there are several good reasons quality SLR an

Photokina 2010 - How Photography Tradefairs Adapt to Digital Realities

As you undoubtedly know, photography industry of today is no longer confined within traditional methods; its tremendous potential has been enhanced and re-allocated due to the overwhelming new tendencies that digital era brings to us. This begs the question: in the era of digital domination, how can

4 Tips to Reduce Digital Camera Shutter Lag

Shutter lag is one of the most common complaints amongst digital camera owners. Shutter lag is the time lapse between pressing the button to take a picture and when the camera actually takes the picture.

Digital Photography Software Options

Digital photography has exploded the possibilities available for capturing, sharing and manipulating photos.There are many products that offer various ways to edit and organize your photos as well as provide instruction. I offer the following review of the software that I found to be of good quality

How to Turn On the Nikon Coolpix 4300

The Nikon Coolpix 4300 point-and-shoot camera is designed by Nikon to be easy to use and provide high quality digital images. It was released in September 2002 and has a four-megapixel sensor. The straightforward, easy-to-understand controls make turning on and taking photos with the Coolpix 4300 in

Top Digital Cameras You Can Acquire Online

Since digital camera models first were launched the quality went up each year while the price has continued to go down. This happens to all of new technology and was the case for big screen LED and plasma televisions, GPS, and computer systems.

How to Become a Concert Photographer

Becoming a concert photographer is a highly desired position for anyone interested in professional photography. For the music lover, it’s a chance to get into shows free and take pictures of your favorite musicians. If you make it to the big time, photographing artists such as Justin Timberla

Oldsmobile cutlass

Cuddeback Capture IR Game Scouting Camera is yet another scouting game camera known for its simple operations. Known as the fastest and easiest game scouting camera, Cuddeback Capture IR Game Scouting Camera is a great ...

Types of Effects With Lighting

Simple theatrical lighting on a lights or a gantry for parties or concerts image by L. Shat from Fotolia.comLight and darkness, like actors, play key roles in the theater. Their presence on stage enables a story to be told through what is seen or not seen. Scene, mood, setting...