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Society & Culture Misc : Society & Culture & Entertainment

Averting Waste Crisis with Refuse Derived Fuel Process

People are often shocked to discover that we could derive energy from waste. Most of the time, the things that we discard from our homes are considered useless and could no longer be of use. A city du

A Challenge to China's Monopoly on Rare Earth Elements

With about 95% of world production of so-called rare earth elements, China has a virtual monopoly on these key minerals that are used in the manufacture of high-tech products. And the land of pandas and orange chicken has been using its control over worldwide output of rare earths as a trade weapon

Go Back to Sleep Vancouver

On the changes in Vancouver over the past 20 years and the gang war violence that has plagued the city since then. It was just another shooting in the neighbourhood. I wonder if that onion really can beat Stephen Harper on Facebook? What if that pickle really is more popular than Nickelback? That wo

It's Party Time For All, No Matter If Big Or Small

Apnabirthdayorganiser provides best kids theme party services in all over Delhi and NCR areas.Once the organizing duty has been decided, it pays to look into references and make the appropriate inquir

Dating Tips For Women - How To Make A Man Fall In Love

Men are pretty simple when it comes right down to it, and when you know the right things to say to a man, you can easily get him to fall in love with you. Some women seem to go about it in a way that will actually turn a guy off, and you don't want to make that mistake, do you?Here are a few da

Wall Street Bailout Plan - Corrupt Business As Usual

The original bailout plan was terrible but may have been better than the new compromise bill which adds $150 billion of unfunded debt to buy off the votes required to pass the legislation. Is it any wonder that the populace holds Congress in such contempt?

Conspiracy Theory Boston Tunnel

Boston Tunnel is a prime candidate for a conspiracy theory attack; many reasons for this indeed. Some say 9-11 happened for a combination of reasons; to tighten control of humans in the United States; to get rid of the asbestos liability in the twin towers; to have a war to support the military indu

The Big Tradeoff

We made the mistake of throwing out the old in favor of keeping the new. Our old generation had a lot that could have contributed to today's society, yet we threw it away as soon as technology replaced what we had.

Ibusa: a Call for the Social Development of the Town

This article urges Ibusa indigenes to employ ways of developing the town. It seeks to discourage the situation whereby the indigenes of the town invest in nearby towns particularly Asaba springing up

News Media Trends for 2012

Well, they say election years are great years for the news media, and since 2012 is an election year, and there looks to be a heated race between the GOP and President Obama's reelection committee, you can be sure that lots of dollars will be flowing into the news media. Indeed it couldn't

Different Kinds of Pregnancy Tests

Pregnancy tests are essential not only to detect the pregnancy, but the detection of pregnancy at the right time is essential for the better health of expectant mother and the healthy growth of the ba

Uncommon Goods

Search the WorkerAnts Philanthrophy or WorkerAnts Charity Network database for 'Farms' and you will find many sustainable food listing that might work for you. If you don't find it on our sit

Different Benefits of Volunteering Services

Practice of individuals working for some particular cause or on behalf of others without getting paid for what they are doing is termed as volunteering. Benefits of the process have been discussed bel