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Society & Culture Misc : Society & Culture & Entertainment

What about Men?

I believe that the law is unfair to men. Read the article and find out why...

The Advantages Of Investing In Renewable Energy

Investing in renewable energy is a major priority as coal and petroleum are depleting quickly. Renewable sources of energy offer cost advantage, tax benefits and above all it is environmentally friend

Rising Costs And The Texas Electricity Grid Expansion

Texas has always been a leader in oil and natural gas production in the country but in recent years it has once again emerged at the forefront of energy production and development, this time in the form of renewable wind energy sources.

Night on the Town

A night out on the town is just what the doctor ordered.This is a cliche, but that doesn't mean it isn't true.

Can't Determine On A Hybrid Car? Why Not Try An SUV?

Possibly simply buying a light-weight hybrid automobile doesn't feel right. Being an all-American client made grander by having an all-American family, you may wish to attempt a hybrid SUV. H

The Outward Signs Of Sexual Abuse

Sexual abuse is a common area of abuse effecting many people in their lives. Sexual abuse begins with a predator; this predator may attack or use molestation to get what he or she wants. Most predator

Alternative Fuels...The Journey From Ford Till Now

Henry Ford's Model T came in a variation that allowed the driver to switch the carburetor to run the engine on farm-made ethyl alcohol. Were you aware that bio diesel, electric and HHO technology is n

The Evolution Revolution Is At Hand: We Are Approaching Critical Mass

This is a time of profound global and personal transformation. Both spirit and science agree on a unified ground of being. The understanding of Oneness is percolating through the pores of organisms and the fabric of society. The Evolution Revolution, an expansion of Consciousness on the planet, is a

Worrier or Warrior

Adventures in Awesome Living. It is not just the simple philosophy and practical advice that it contains but that is true.

The Travel Philippines - Bohol's Top Ten Attractions

Bohol is definitely an is province inside Philippines. I call it the Central Visayas wonder due to the fact it has so a lot to provide to vacationers. The province is just not only full of organic won

The Greatest Depression is Happening Now!

Okay, the world leaders are STILL calling this current economic climate a recession but that's obviously not true. They KNOW it's a depression, but they think they can talk their way out of it, like they do most things. The fact is, the next few years are going to be tough, but if you know

Laying siege to Imran Khan

It is said that Imran Khan is the last hope of the people to get rid of corrupt politicians. I still remember his procession on Kakul Military Academy road Abbotabad, sitting in Pajero accompanied by