Residential Solar Power Systems - Build Your Own
With rising energy costs and global warming, we are all looking for opportunities to go green.
To support environmental initiatives, people everywhere are beginning to think more sustainable and are looking for alternate energy sources.
Residential solar power systems support this positive environmental trend.
We should all consider future generations and what sort of world we will leave them.
Fossil fuels are not infinite, if we continue to use them at the rate we do we will soon run out.
Residential solar power systems offer the homeowner an opportunity to both save on energy costs and help the environment simultaneously.
Initially, people may consider the initial costs of professional solar power system installation as being too high.
While it is true that professional solar power installation can cost upwards of $3000 for a base unit, there may be alternatives for the do it yourself handyman that would cost substantially less.
Do it yourself residential solar power systems are now available in the sub $200 range.
These systems can generate upwards of 100 W power, and are scalable allowing you to increase your power generation for about $100 per 100 W.
The parts required to build a residential solar power system can be found at the local hardware store.
For most systems, you will need to purchase solar cells, wiring, inverters, voltmeter's and batteries.
With a little luck, standard 12 V car batteries can be had from local auto shops for little to no charge.
Following a guidemost anyone can have their solar power system set up and generating power in under a couple of days.
To support environmental initiatives, people everywhere are beginning to think more sustainable and are looking for alternate energy sources.
Residential solar power systems support this positive environmental trend.
We should all consider future generations and what sort of world we will leave them.
Fossil fuels are not infinite, if we continue to use them at the rate we do we will soon run out.
Residential solar power systems offer the homeowner an opportunity to both save on energy costs and help the environment simultaneously.
Initially, people may consider the initial costs of professional solar power system installation as being too high.
While it is true that professional solar power installation can cost upwards of $3000 for a base unit, there may be alternatives for the do it yourself handyman that would cost substantially less.
Do it yourself residential solar power systems are now available in the sub $200 range.
These systems can generate upwards of 100 W power, and are scalable allowing you to increase your power generation for about $100 per 100 W.
The parts required to build a residential solar power system can be found at the local hardware store.
For most systems, you will need to purchase solar cells, wiring, inverters, voltmeter's and batteries.
With a little luck, standard 12 V car batteries can be had from local auto shops for little to no charge.
Following a guidemost anyone can have their solar power system set up and generating power in under a couple of days.