How to Check on Your Bankruptcy Information
- 1). Call your bankruptcy court's automated messaging system by dialing the number provided on your paperwork or on the court's website. Dial your bankruptcy docket or case number, found on your bankruptcy forms, when prompted by the touch-tone service. There is no fee for this service.
- 2). Check with the clerk at the bankruptcy court. The clerk has access to the physical records system and can let you know how your case is proceeding. Be mindful that there may be a fee associated with this method in some counties.
- 3). Log on to PACER, the online system provided by the government for easy access to court records. PACER provides information in real time, meaning that as soon as updates are put into the system, PACER has them. You must register with the site before you can use it and you will be billed quarterly. PACER charges a fee of $0.08 per page researched as of 2010, though it recently released information that the fee will be waived if it is under $10 for the yearly quarter.