Does My Ex Even Want to Get Back With Me? How Can I Tell?
You need to avoid jumping the gun and getting too hopeful but it is a good sign.
You are probably left asking yourself "does my ex want to get back with me?" The above are definitely very good signs, but let me give you some of the best advice in this situation.
Please don't jump the gun and try to get back into the relationship right away.
Your best course of action in this situation is to play a little hard to get.
Be a little unavailable and don't jump every time your ex wants to see you or is interested in hanging out.
Truth be told, you being a little hard to get is probably the reason she is acting more interested lately.
I know it's probably backwards from what you are used to doing, but trust me, if you play hard to get, they will keep responding in a positive way.
You also need to keep going about your normal routine and acting like you are "ok" with the fact that you two are apart.
If you don't come off as needy, your will most definitely have a great chance of getting them back.
Sometimes when an ex shows interest again following a break up however, it is only a game.
The worst of these games is when they may see this as away to get revenge for some perceived wrong.
This is why it is important not to jump back into things and focus on feeling things out with her.
Obviously there is no guaranteed way to tell that your ex wants to get back with you.
Remember though, if your ex does want to get back with you, playing hard to get is the best scenario because it will prevent you from getting hurt if your ex is not really serious about getting back with you.
On your side, Matthew Jones