Make Him Beg You to Take Him Back – Ex Boyfriend Advice for You
In order to make him beg you to take him back you have to become completely irresistible to him again. That seems like a big task, doesn't it? Right now it feels as though he'll never love you again because he's told you as much. You have to remember that just as your emotions are overtaking you, the same thing is happening to him. Don't give too much weight to what he told you during the break up. He may have told you he'll never love you again or he wants to move on because he was just as lost with what he's feeling as you are.
On to the process of ensuring he can't resist you another day. You're going to start by acting mature and responsible. That means you're going to offer an apology to your ex. Yes, I realize that's very difficult to do if he was the one who broke your heart, but it is necessary. It will not only impress him, but it will clear the slate for the renewed romance. All the negativity will be taken off the table and you'll be able to start fresh.
Next, you're going to let him know that you understand why he felt the need to end things. Just tell him that you've been doing a lot of thinking about what happened and you see his side of things now. Men love this and it helps them to feel they are understood. It also serves another crucial purpose. It makes him believe that you're okay with losing him. That's not going to sit well with your ex. Men want and need to feel as though they're irreplaceable. If he hears in your voice that you're ready to move forward without him, that's going to linger in his mind and his heart.
After you've done that it's simply a matter of staying strong and focused on everything but him. Don't chase after him in your effort to get him back. Instead, just move forward with your life with a smile on your face. Once his emotions have settled down and he's had time to live without you, he'll see exactly what you meant to him.