He Says He Wants a Relationship Break – Is He Breaking Up With Me?
You've probably heard about the infamous relationship breaks on talk shows from here to kingdom come. The reviews are mixed on just how effective they can be and some people believe they are merely an attempt to have the best of both worlds – the benefits of a relationship without the responsibilities of one.
In the end, it is up to you how you treat a relationship break and even whether or not you agree to one. But, before you say yeah or nay or even decide that this is the same as breaking up it's a good idea to consider a few things first.
The bottom line is that you have to decide what the possibility of a "relationship break" means to you and for your relationship. But sometimes, it can be a good thing. Here are a few ways that taking a break from your relationship can actually make your relationship stronger in the future.
1) Absence really does make the heart grow fonder. Sometimes all it takes is a little time apart for you to each discover just how much of an impact you have on each other's lives. He's likely to appreciate you more and you'll probably develop a newfound respect for him. But this only happens when you have clearly defined parameters for the break.
2) You have time to explore your feelings for each other without being confronted or overwhelmed by the emotions of the situation. Distances can sometimes provide a certain sense of clarity you could never have when you're together day in and day out.
3) It allows you a little time to clean out your own closet so to speak. Every girl (or guy for that matter) has something she can improve. A small change can send your self-confidence soaring. More importantly, when you are more confident of yourself you'll also find that the newfound confidence spills over into other areas of your life such as relationships.
Setting boundaries and clearly defining conditions and deadlines is essential to having a successful relationship break however. If you're going to agree to this in hopes of saving your relationship then you need to do your best to safeguard your heart and the relationship you're seeking to save. Otherwise you'll be left trying to get your ex back when all is said and done.
Here are a few essentials you might want to keep in mind.
1) Set a time limit for the break (6-weeks, 6-months, etc.). When that day arrives you need to either end the relationship or end the break.
2) Establish whether or not dating other people is part of the "relationship break" from the very beginning.
The best bet to get your boyfriend back after a relationship break is to use your time wisely during the break. Watch this FREE video -> http://www.getyourexbacknow.com/just_break_up3.htmlfor step by step instructions you can follow to really make an impression on him at the end of your "cooling off" period. This is the same advice that has helped more than 50,000 couples around the world work out their differences. The odds are strong that it can help you too!
He Says He Wants a Relationship Break – Is He Breaking Up With Me?
You've probably heard about the infamous relationship breaks on talk shows from here to kingdom come. The reviews are mixed on just how effective they can be and some people believe they are merely an attempt to have the best of both worlds – the benefits of a relationship without the responsibilities of one.
In the end, it is up to you how you treat a relationship break and even whether or not you agree to one. But, before you say yeah or nay or even decide that this is the same as breaking up it's a good idea to consider a few things first.
The bottom line is that you have to decide what the possibility of a "relationship break" means to you and for your relationship. But sometimes, it can be a good thing. Here are a few ways that taking a break from your relationship can actually make your relationship stronger in the future.
1) Absence really does make the heart grow fonder. Sometimes all it takes is a little time apart for you to each discover just how much of an impact you have on each other's lives. He's likely to appreciate you more and you'll probably develop a newfound respect for him. But this only happens when you have clearly defined parameters for the break.
2) You have time to explore your feelings for each other without being confronted or overwhelmed by the emotions of the situation. Distances can sometimes provide a certain sense of clarity you could never have when you're together day in and day out.
3) It allows you a little time to clean out your own closet so to speak. Every girl (or guy for that matter) has something she can improve. A small change can send your self-confidence soaring. More importantly, when you are more confident of yourself you'll also find that the newfound confidence spills over into other areas of your life such as relationships.
Setting boundaries and clearly defining conditions and deadlines is essential to having a successful relationship break however. If you're going to agree to this in hopes of saving your relationship then you need to do your best to safeguard your heart and the relationship you're seeking to save. Otherwise you'll be left trying to get your ex back when all is said and done.
Here are a few essentials you might want to keep in mind.
1) Set a time limit for the break (6-weeks, 6-months, etc.). When that day arrives you need to either end the relationship or end the break.
2) Establish whether or not dating other people is part of the "relationship break" from the very beginning.