Treatment & HPV Virus Information
- Cryotherapy is the process of freezing off the wart with an extremely cold liquid, such as liquid nitrogen. This treatment is performed by a trained health care worker and is relatively inexpensive.
- Chemical therapy destroys the wart by applying a chemical to its surface. Trichloracetic acid (TCA) is a common choice for this type of treatment for HPV.
- The warts may be cut off surgically. This method is fast and inexpensive.
- Genital warts may be burned off with an electrical current or laser. This method is more expensive and typically reserved for larger warts that don't respond to conventional therapy.
- HPV can cause cells in the cervix to exhibit abnormal characteristics. These cells may need to be removed with methods such as cryotherapy or cauterization.
Chemical Therapy
Abnormal Cervical Cells