Trapped Nerve Back Again - 3 Reasons Why Regular Back Treatments Don"t Work

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I've often wondered why people keep on doing things that don't work.
  You must have seen it yourself - you have an area of specialism, and people keep on making the same mistake again and again.
  My specialism is back pain, and I see this so much in my particular field.
  So here's my quick guide on why normal back pain treatments won't work, and why you might end up getting that trapped nerve again.
Medications don't fix things (in most cases).
Drugs normally just relieve pain, and don't fix the symptoms - imagine if your car ran out of gas - do you take fix the light that tells you the car is out of gas, or do you fill the car up with gas?  The light is an indicator, not the root cause of the problem..
Chiropractics don't fix the root cause of the problem either.
Chiropractics are trained to put your back into alignment, not to find out what put it out of alignment in the first place - therefore it's unlikely that unless you have a helpfully qualified individual who holistically looks at your body, you'll find a solution that will put do you some long term benefit.
One size-fits all solutions are far too common, and don't work.
Ever been given a list of 20 exercises to fix your back/neck/leg, and found out that only 1 in 20 does anything for the area that concerns you? That's because you haven't got something specifically targeted to fix your problem.
and you'll spend far too much time doing something that doesn't provide you with too much benefit.
So as you see, sometimes the answer isn't always right in front of you (and those that are, are probably the wrong answer) For an expert guide on how to fix trapped nerve back pain- click on this link.
You'll find so much more there.
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