Article marketing is the chosen marketing method for many online marketers because it offers the freedom that you don't get elsewhere. Here are a few of the benefits just to get you started. One of more noticeable perks of article marketing is that it's easier for you to pre-sell your items. Articles that are informative in nature can always spark an interest in your prospects about the items you are offering and provide them with the information needed to make a buying decision. In the article, you are not selling the product, but rather educating prospects about the item or problems that can be solved by purchasing this item. This can literally increase your sales because when your potential customer is in the purchasing mindset, it'll be a breeze for you to make a sale. Many article marketers don't put this strategy to use and hope they'll be flooded with traffic, when in truth they can utilize their articles to pre-sell their items and directed interested consumers to their website. The thought for pre-selling being so important nowadays is due to people being very away about they are spending their money on and how much. In order to give them a nice buying experience and to aid them in making an informed decision, informative articles can be like the missing pieces to a puzzle. Finally, you should consistently try to tone down your pre-selling so that you don't turn your article into an advertisement. Another noticeable perk of article marketing is that you'll receive a usual flow of traffic from the search engines as well as the other websites that have published your articles. There are quite a few marketers who still receive traffic from their old articles that were published in the past. The explanation for this is the Internet has become a powerhouse of information that is perpetually being fed superior quality content. When your articles are distinctive and offer relevant info to the readers, they not only increase their rankings in the search engines but also get distributed in newsletter, ezines and websites that publish third party content. This just goes on to show that your articles have the ability to send you fresh visitors to your site time and again, without you paying for them. It's free traffic for eternity and the best thing is it's highly targeted. Article marketing is also a wonderful way to get exposure or the services you have available. There are several talented freelancers who find it challenging to get opportunities through the freelancing sites like Elance, because of the stiff competition. However article marketing is one thing not a lot of freelancers experiment with to promote their service. You can write and spotlight articles that explain the niche you're targeting and then nonchalantly suggest the service you're offering, to your readers. This would make is so much easier for you to direct traffic and convince clients from every part of the web, instead of only depending on the big freelance portals. In conclusion these benefits depict that article marketing really is the way to go. Check These Out:mobile monopolymobile monopoly