How Can Bi-Polar Effect You
Bi-Polar Disorder or Manic Depression as it used to be known will not manifest itself usually until the sufferer is in his or her early teens.
Symptoms will vary between a high state and depression.
I have suffered from Bi-Polar since I was 24 years old, I am now 53.
So how will it affect me (you) and friends and family? In the high state of Bi-Polar you feel like you rule the World, nothing can stop you, for instance borrowing large amounts of money and having grand ideas, talking with confidence to anybody who will listen.
This can vary from person to person, a parent sometimes will suspect that their child is taking drugs not realising that they are ill.
Now we come to the Depression side of Bi-Polar, the black side as i call it, this is the nasty side of this illness, have you ever had a dream when you were falling from something but you woke up and realised it was a dream? With Bi-Polar the dream can continue for days, months, falling into a black dark pit and there is no way out, through this cycle you lose all the confidence you had in your high state and respect for yourself and everybody else, you can get very disorientated, staying awake all night, drinking, smoking and acting out of character and behaving like a moron in general.
How can you tell if somebody has Bi-Polar? This is a very hard question, only a doctor or qualified person can make this judgment.
But in my own case my mood swings gave me away, high one week spending money that I didn't have,acquiring more credit cards.
I once played golf for a week without any sleep at all.
The following week I would retire to my bedroom with no will to live.
Depression would sink in.
This would in my case last much longer than my high state.
My advise to everybody who is going through this is go and see your local doctor and try to explain how you feel, don't be afraid.
Bi-Polar is treatable and with the right help and advise you can live a normal life like anybody else.
Did you know that Winston Churchill, John Cleese, and the zany Spike Milligan all had Bi-Polar, all clever, intelligent people.
Symptoms will vary between a high state and depression.
I have suffered from Bi-Polar since I was 24 years old, I am now 53.
So how will it affect me (you) and friends and family? In the high state of Bi-Polar you feel like you rule the World, nothing can stop you, for instance borrowing large amounts of money and having grand ideas, talking with confidence to anybody who will listen.
This can vary from person to person, a parent sometimes will suspect that their child is taking drugs not realising that they are ill.
Now we come to the Depression side of Bi-Polar, the black side as i call it, this is the nasty side of this illness, have you ever had a dream when you were falling from something but you woke up and realised it was a dream? With Bi-Polar the dream can continue for days, months, falling into a black dark pit and there is no way out, through this cycle you lose all the confidence you had in your high state and respect for yourself and everybody else, you can get very disorientated, staying awake all night, drinking, smoking and acting out of character and behaving like a moron in general.
How can you tell if somebody has Bi-Polar? This is a very hard question, only a doctor or qualified person can make this judgment.
But in my own case my mood swings gave me away, high one week spending money that I didn't have,acquiring more credit cards.
I once played golf for a week without any sleep at all.
The following week I would retire to my bedroom with no will to live.
Depression would sink in.
This would in my case last much longer than my high state.
My advise to everybody who is going through this is go and see your local doctor and try to explain how you feel, don't be afraid.
Bi-Polar is treatable and with the right help and advise you can live a normal life like anybody else.
Did you know that Winston Churchill, John Cleese, and the zany Spike Milligan all had Bi-Polar, all clever, intelligent people.