Depression Treatment: Five Natural Methods

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The treatment of depression is a major industry in its own right.
Literally billions of dollars are spent each year by patients desperate to find relief from the emotional black clouds that always block their sun.
Most of these dollars find their way into the bank accounts of pharmacy companies and medical practitioners and rightfully so; both medication and therapy are key in treating and controlling depression.
But what has gotten lost in all is the help you can give yourself, without drugs and without therapy that can be very helpful natural treatment of depression.
Natural treatment of depression can go a long ways to curing mild cases all by themselves.
For more severe depression, these natural treatments enhance the effectiveness of other treatment approaches.
The good news here is that there are positive steps you can take, right now, that will help you fight depression.
Here are some proven methods to help you feel better: EXERCISE Many many studies have all indicated that physical activity is a mood enhancer.
Exercising just 30 minutes four to five times a week will help a lot.
DIET Although there is not specific "depression diet", there are other benefits to eating healthy,.
Eating a diet that is balanced and provides the nutrition required will make all other efforts that much more effective.
SLEEP Many sleep disorders such as insomnia can be a symptom of depression and make the problem worse.
Establish a standard routine by going to bed at the same time each night, don't nap during the day, and remove all distractions from your bedroom.
It should be reserved for sleep and sex only.
EXPERIENCE NEW THINGS Depression is almost synonymous with being in a rut.
More than likely each day is pretty much like the one before and tomorrow will be much the same as today.
Make a conscious effort to change the routine from time to time.
What you do is not as important as the change itself.
Go to a movie, or museum.
Volunteer your time.
Go for a walk or ride a bike.
SET REASONABLE GOALS The trick is to establish goals you can meet in a day and then meet them.
Setting up an extensive to do list won't help at all.
Your short term goals should the prioritized as to what is the most important to achieve.
It is OK to break large tasks into smaller, intermediate, more manageable ones.
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