President Obama Treason Continues
Webster's Dictionary defines treason as, "Disloyalty toward one's own country." Men and women serving valiantly in the American armed forces are hearing President Obama threatens to veto the current Republican drafted one week government funding extension bill that also guarantees they will get their paychecks through the end of the year and cuts 18 billion of spending. President Obama treason by having the armed forces worry about paying their bills and housing payments is mean and cruel. A good leader should be bolstering troops moral. Instead, he and the Democrats are playing some game to make Republicans look bad to try and win brownie points for his 2012 election chances. It's an example of his total contempt for the military. He has not uttered one word assuring the troops will get their pay even if the government were to shut down. Bogus!
In past U.S. government funding stalemates, both President Reagan and President Clinton had the intestinal fortitude to make sure the military got paid. A U.S. President as Commander and Chief of the Armed Forces does not need congressional approval to pay personnel deemed "essential." Even the whiff of his hesitation in putting their minds at ease stinks of treason, ingenuousness and poor leadership ability. Our brave men and women out there in harms way in Iraq, Afghanistan, and the shores of Tripoli don't need more stress.
President Obama tyranny has gone from first lies, fraud and deceit to sedition and now - treason. Is this guy even a citizen?
Sedition is conspiring against the laws, rules and regulations of a country. President Obama sedition counts: 1. Refusing to furnish a valid long-form birth certificate and proof he is a natural citizen. 2. Not complying with a U.S. Judges order that Obama's categorically shutting down all drilling rigs in the Gulf of Mexico during the BP oil well leak was unconstitutional. 3. Not complying with a U.S. Judges finding ObamaCare unconstitutional. 4. Declaring along with Attorney General Holder that The Defense Of Marriage Act is unconstitutional (That's the Supreme Court's job or else let's have Congress repeal the mean spirited law). 5. Declaring war in Libya (Article 1, Section 8. clause 11 of the Constitution - the power to declare war rests solely with Congress). Obama conspired with foreign diplomats in this matter. So, he is really a foreign agent.
Impeach Obama!
The first article of impeachment is President Obama sedition and violation of his oath of office to uphold the Constitution. The second article of impeachment is treason against the United States for committing high crimes and misdemeanors in usurping the exclusive prerogative of Congress to declare war and again, his failure to uphold his oath of office to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.
President Obama has gone from a leftist/socialist to a Marxist/communist to now - a Nazi fascist demigod. Fascism is when a leader bashes businesses and the military into submission and then runs roughshod over the judicial and legislative branches of government. Like he is doing right now.
Big brother Barack Obama and his bunch of statists and Anglo financial power elitists want America to get wrapped up around the axle. They want to take your freedom and liberty. They want a one-world-government/new-world order where we are told what to do, where to work, what to say and what to think. Impeach this disloyal betrayer Barack Hussein Obama. ASAP!
Copyright 2011 by Delwyn Lounsbury - THE DEFLATION GURU
Use of this article allowed with attribution back to:
In past U.S. government funding stalemates, both President Reagan and President Clinton had the intestinal fortitude to make sure the military got paid. A U.S. President as Commander and Chief of the Armed Forces does not need congressional approval to pay personnel deemed "essential." Even the whiff of his hesitation in putting their minds at ease stinks of treason, ingenuousness and poor leadership ability. Our brave men and women out there in harms way in Iraq, Afghanistan, and the shores of Tripoli don't need more stress.
President Obama tyranny has gone from first lies, fraud and deceit to sedition and now - treason. Is this guy even a citizen?
Sedition is conspiring against the laws, rules and regulations of a country. President Obama sedition counts: 1. Refusing to furnish a valid long-form birth certificate and proof he is a natural citizen. 2. Not complying with a U.S. Judges order that Obama's categorically shutting down all drilling rigs in the Gulf of Mexico during the BP oil well leak was unconstitutional. 3. Not complying with a U.S. Judges finding ObamaCare unconstitutional. 4. Declaring along with Attorney General Holder that The Defense Of Marriage Act is unconstitutional (That's the Supreme Court's job or else let's have Congress repeal the mean spirited law). 5. Declaring war in Libya (Article 1, Section 8. clause 11 of the Constitution - the power to declare war rests solely with Congress). Obama conspired with foreign diplomats in this matter. So, he is really a foreign agent.
Impeach Obama!
The first article of impeachment is President Obama sedition and violation of his oath of office to uphold the Constitution. The second article of impeachment is treason against the United States for committing high crimes and misdemeanors in usurping the exclusive prerogative of Congress to declare war and again, his failure to uphold his oath of office to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.
President Obama has gone from a leftist/socialist to a Marxist/communist to now - a Nazi fascist demigod. Fascism is when a leader bashes businesses and the military into submission and then runs roughshod over the judicial and legislative branches of government. Like he is doing right now.
Big brother Barack Obama and his bunch of statists and Anglo financial power elitists want America to get wrapped up around the axle. They want to take your freedom and liberty. They want a one-world-government/new-world order where we are told what to do, where to work, what to say and what to think. Impeach this disloyal betrayer Barack Hussein Obama. ASAP!
Copyright 2011 by Delwyn Lounsbury - THE DEFLATION GURU
Use of this article allowed with attribution back to: