It"s The President"s Fault: Blaming Obama for America"s Ills
Recently, my husband sent me a link to Charlie Reese's article "545 vs.
300,000,000 People" - According to this brilliant journalist, one person(the president)is not to be blame for America's woes.
The Republicans, the Democrats, the Liberals, the Conservatives; should share equal the responsibility.
One hundred senators, four hundred and thirty-five congressmen, one President, and nine Supreme Court justices are the 545 people ( which I will refer to as "the gang of 545" ) out of the three hundred million of us who are directly, legally, morally, and individually responsible for our domestic issues.
Reese believes that "gang" of 545, their objective is to convince us that what they do is not their fault.
And, that is their modus operandi regardless of party.
According to Reese what separates a politician from us is the amount of audacity they possess.
None of us (the people) would have the nerve to criticize the President for creating deficits, not creating jobs, or our debts woes.
What we fail to understand is that, the President merely proposes a budget.
And, Congress must accept it.
It is not as easy as it seems.
We must understand that the "gang" of 545 exercises the power of the federal government; as a result, it should be glaringly apparent that "what exists is what they want to exist.
" The nation's economic problems can be solved, and they (the gang of 545) know what they have to do to solve them.
Everyone is frustrated.
Fifteen months from now, when we fulfill our duty at the voting booth, it should not be only Obama taking the fall, but the entire "gang" of 545.
If truly we are placing faults, then, we should be just in our action.
The "gang" should be fired as well, not just Mr.
As an avid viewer of The Factor-- a news program on ox Network--, you'd think I am leaning to the right; when in reality I am a centrist.
I am still in search of a news program with no agenda, no party line, no blaming, just the facts as they are.
You'd think I am in a quest for Utopia.
We are blaming the president for job loss, the economy, the war etc.
If we think Mr.
Obama is responsible for America's ills, we are a sorry bunch.
While the contenders vying for the nomination to run against Obama in the next election, are talking about their goals of limited government, they are not yet offering strategies for how to achieve them.
Those presidential hopefuls have very little plans for what they would do to get our country's finances back on track.
The truth is, they can't do it alone and they are well aware of it.
As long as the "gang" of 545 continues their partisan objective, instead of making the good of the people their goal, and "we" are still accepting their status quo, the game of pointing fingers, blaming one another and exempting themselves will persist.
Every election, we will continue on hoping one party will be better than the other.
Approval of President Barack Obama's handling of the U.
economy has fallen to a new low, in recent Gallup poll.
Seventy-one percent of Americans said they disapproved of Obama's handling of the economy, while twenty-nine percent approve of his efforts to create jobs.
President Obama will lay out new ideas to boost the economy soon after Labor Day.
He's thinking of giving tax cuts for companies that hire jobless workers.
Congressional approval would be needed to approve those plans.
While the president feels that there should be a plan to alleviate our woes: two of which should be tax reform, -among which should be to eliminate loopholes that allows companies to pay less than the statutory rate--, and "modest adjustments" to entitlement programs; for instance Medicare and Social Security.
The President can only propose a budget.
He cannot force the Congress to accept it.
Politicians are the ones who create problems and then campaign against them.
It's their refusal to put what's best for the country ahead of self-interest or party, or ideology.
And, that's what we need to change.
They want to cut government spending, lower taxes, reduce regulation and balance the federal budget.
While I am all for less spending, I can't help but notice, whenever there is a cut in spending, they go to programs that directly benefit the poor.
For instance, free summer lunch and breakfast programs which I'd benefited from as a child growing up in a working class family, or cutting medicaid for those who really need it.
Some people do abuse the system.
Instead of doing what is easy, which is taking benefits away from those who need it and can use it, what should be done, is to crack down on those who are abusing our system by taking a free ride.
Those of us who think people who are getting public assistance are living the life just because their grocery cart is spilling over when "we" have to return some groceries from our cart must take a closer look.
Usually, "those" people are buying processed, and refined foods.
Those foods cost much less than the food those of us, who are a bit worldly and somewhat more savvy about nutrition, buy in pursuit for better health.
As a result, our carts tend to be less full because what we purchased cost more.
If you want to talk "welfare," think corporate welfare, and this requires an entirely different article.
Some feel that President Obama is destroying our country; and his objective is to be popular and famous and he doesn't know what is best for the country.
This would be true only if this were a dictatorship.
The "gang" of 545 is directly, legally, morally, and individually responsible for the domestic problems that exist in our country.
"THEY" should be held accountable, not just the president.
Obama may be the captain of this ship; and surely the ship is sinking, and the captain gets blamed.
However, it is the gang of 545whom we bestowed the responsibility to make sure the ship and crew are safe.
The President did not create this mess solely.
He is in a "gang"; he does not work alone.
I am not pro Obama, nor am I pro Bush.
I am neither Republican nor I a Democrat.
I am neither a liberal nor I a conservative.
If you really care, I have not voted since Clinton, and I don't plan on voting.
I am very disappointed and find our system warped.
Politicians are all the same, they say one thing and do something totally opposite.
While I won't encourage anyone to follow my action of not meeting their responsibility to go to the polls, however, I really do hope we look at how our country work and how the president, without the collective cooperation of the "gang," will achieve nothing.
As a result, the president will always be blamed because we, the millions of people who put them in office, are mired by party lines.
Everyone thinks one-their-party is superior to the other Obama is being castigated for going on vacation at a time of economic woes.
They feel that the commander in chief is not entitled for a brief hiatus with his family or to relax when the country is facing problems.
I am quite sure if not going on vacation would solve the country's problem, Mr.
Obama would be the first to cancel any planned excursions.
Why should he be punished for something that is beyond his control.
People act as if the president has a magic wand in his hands.
Contrary to popular beliefs, he is not the messiah.
You knew the job would be hard.
When you hired him, you were so enamored, you failed to realize that he does not work alone; he is part of a package- a gang.
He has become the reason why everything is wrong in America.
No one should be expected to have instant results.
You did not think it would be such a difficult task did you.
I really don't see how Obama's vacation directly affects America's joblessness, or how it would stop people from losing their home, or repair whatever ills this country has.
The man, like any other American, needs to recharge.
Do we actually want him to stay home and work while congress takes a vacation?
300,000,000 People" - According to this brilliant journalist, one person(the president)is not to be blame for America's woes.
The Republicans, the Democrats, the Liberals, the Conservatives; should share equal the responsibility.
One hundred senators, four hundred and thirty-five congressmen, one President, and nine Supreme Court justices are the 545 people ( which I will refer to as "the gang of 545" ) out of the three hundred million of us who are directly, legally, morally, and individually responsible for our domestic issues.
Reese believes that "gang" of 545, their objective is to convince us that what they do is not their fault.
And, that is their modus operandi regardless of party.
According to Reese what separates a politician from us is the amount of audacity they possess.
None of us (the people) would have the nerve to criticize the President for creating deficits, not creating jobs, or our debts woes.
What we fail to understand is that, the President merely proposes a budget.
And, Congress must accept it.
It is not as easy as it seems.
We must understand that the "gang" of 545 exercises the power of the federal government; as a result, it should be glaringly apparent that "what exists is what they want to exist.
" The nation's economic problems can be solved, and they (the gang of 545) know what they have to do to solve them.
Everyone is frustrated.
Fifteen months from now, when we fulfill our duty at the voting booth, it should not be only Obama taking the fall, but the entire "gang" of 545.
If truly we are placing faults, then, we should be just in our action.
The "gang" should be fired as well, not just Mr.
As an avid viewer of The Factor-- a news program on ox Network--, you'd think I am leaning to the right; when in reality I am a centrist.
I am still in search of a news program with no agenda, no party line, no blaming, just the facts as they are.
You'd think I am in a quest for Utopia.
We are blaming the president for job loss, the economy, the war etc.
If we think Mr.
Obama is responsible for America's ills, we are a sorry bunch.
While the contenders vying for the nomination to run against Obama in the next election, are talking about their goals of limited government, they are not yet offering strategies for how to achieve them.
Those presidential hopefuls have very little plans for what they would do to get our country's finances back on track.
The truth is, they can't do it alone and they are well aware of it.
As long as the "gang" of 545 continues their partisan objective, instead of making the good of the people their goal, and "we" are still accepting their status quo, the game of pointing fingers, blaming one another and exempting themselves will persist.
Every election, we will continue on hoping one party will be better than the other.
Approval of President Barack Obama's handling of the U.
economy has fallen to a new low, in recent Gallup poll.
Seventy-one percent of Americans said they disapproved of Obama's handling of the economy, while twenty-nine percent approve of his efforts to create jobs.
President Obama will lay out new ideas to boost the economy soon after Labor Day.
He's thinking of giving tax cuts for companies that hire jobless workers.
Congressional approval would be needed to approve those plans.
While the president feels that there should be a plan to alleviate our woes: two of which should be tax reform, -among which should be to eliminate loopholes that allows companies to pay less than the statutory rate--, and "modest adjustments" to entitlement programs; for instance Medicare and Social Security.
The President can only propose a budget.
He cannot force the Congress to accept it.
Politicians are the ones who create problems and then campaign against them.
It's their refusal to put what's best for the country ahead of self-interest or party, or ideology.
And, that's what we need to change.
They want to cut government spending, lower taxes, reduce regulation and balance the federal budget.
While I am all for less spending, I can't help but notice, whenever there is a cut in spending, they go to programs that directly benefit the poor.
For instance, free summer lunch and breakfast programs which I'd benefited from as a child growing up in a working class family, or cutting medicaid for those who really need it.
Some people do abuse the system.
Instead of doing what is easy, which is taking benefits away from those who need it and can use it, what should be done, is to crack down on those who are abusing our system by taking a free ride.
Those of us who think people who are getting public assistance are living the life just because their grocery cart is spilling over when "we" have to return some groceries from our cart must take a closer look.
Usually, "those" people are buying processed, and refined foods.
Those foods cost much less than the food those of us, who are a bit worldly and somewhat more savvy about nutrition, buy in pursuit for better health.
As a result, our carts tend to be less full because what we purchased cost more.
If you want to talk "welfare," think corporate welfare, and this requires an entirely different article.
Some feel that President Obama is destroying our country; and his objective is to be popular and famous and he doesn't know what is best for the country.
This would be true only if this were a dictatorship.
The "gang" of 545 is directly, legally, morally, and individually responsible for the domestic problems that exist in our country.
"THEY" should be held accountable, not just the president.
Obama may be the captain of this ship; and surely the ship is sinking, and the captain gets blamed.
However, it is the gang of 545whom we bestowed the responsibility to make sure the ship and crew are safe.
The President did not create this mess solely.
He is in a "gang"; he does not work alone.
I am not pro Obama, nor am I pro Bush.
I am neither Republican nor I a Democrat.
I am neither a liberal nor I a conservative.
If you really care, I have not voted since Clinton, and I don't plan on voting.
I am very disappointed and find our system warped.
Politicians are all the same, they say one thing and do something totally opposite.
While I won't encourage anyone to follow my action of not meeting their responsibility to go to the polls, however, I really do hope we look at how our country work and how the president, without the collective cooperation of the "gang," will achieve nothing.
As a result, the president will always be blamed because we, the millions of people who put them in office, are mired by party lines.
Everyone thinks one-their-party is superior to the other Obama is being castigated for going on vacation at a time of economic woes.
They feel that the commander in chief is not entitled for a brief hiatus with his family or to relax when the country is facing problems.
I am quite sure if not going on vacation would solve the country's problem, Mr.
Obama would be the first to cancel any planned excursions.
Why should he be punished for something that is beyond his control.
People act as if the president has a magic wand in his hands.
Contrary to popular beliefs, he is not the messiah.
You knew the job would be hard.
When you hired him, you were so enamored, you failed to realize that he does not work alone; he is part of a package- a gang.
He has become the reason why everything is wrong in America.
No one should be expected to have instant results.
You did not think it would be such a difficult task did you.
I really don't see how Obama's vacation directly affects America's joblessness, or how it would stop people from losing their home, or repair whatever ills this country has.
The man, like any other American, needs to recharge.
Do we actually want him to stay home and work while congress takes a vacation?