Tips to MLM Success Using the "Right" Brain
The theory behind "right brain" and "left brain" thinking was developed from the research of American psycho-biologist Roger Sperry winning him a Nobel Prize in 1981.
His discovery identified that the human brain has two different ways of thinking.
What side of the brain do you think most successful MLM leaders use? Let's get a basic understanding of the thinking process.
The right side of the brain is more visual and processes information intuitively and simultaneously, first looking at the big picture and then focusing on the details.
Words used to describe the process of the right brain are creative, intuitive, holistic, empathetic, synthesizing, artistic and subjective.
Traditional jobs using the right brain include art, music, writing and theater.
The left brain is considered more verbal and processes information in an analytical and sequential method, first looking at the pieces and then putting them together as a whole.
Words used to describe the left brain are logical, linear, sequential, analytical and objective.
Traditional jobs include accountants, engineers and lawyers.
Generally speaking, most individuals have a preference as their thinking style.
In our culture, schools and business tend to favor left-brained thinking and downplay and even discourage right-brain capacity.
Even as parents we encouraged our students to pursue left-brained careers knowing that it would be very difficult to make a "good" living in the right-brained world.
Based on this information would you predict that most MLM leaders use left-brained thinking? Daniel Pink, the best selling author of "A Whole New Mind: Why Right-Brainers Will Rule the Future" would probably predict that in order for MLM businesses to thrive, they will need to embrace and maximize right-brained thinking.
He provides convincing evidence that our country is in the so-called "conceptual age" and states that right-brained skills such as design and storytelling will become more critical for the success of traditional businesses than left-brained skills.
Historically, most business models including MLM tend to operate from left-brained thinking.
Pink would recommend right-brained qualities of inventiveness, empathy and meaning to take your MLM business to thrive in the conceptual age.
He would encourage MLM leader to maintain our left-brained skills and master the six essential right-brained aptitudes...
Design, Story, Symphony, Empathy, Play and Meaning.
Design is essential in life whether we are talking about fashion or architecture.
Good design is essential to good products.
Right-brained thinking allows us to understand how people use products in order to improve the quality of their lives.
MLM leaders not only need to select great products and services, they need to provide insightful marketing to identify the target niche and meet the "how" need.
For example, if your product provides a solution to aging, marketing should be directed to those experiencing the negative impact of growing old.
Story is how information is passed from one generation to another.
It is always the emotion in the story that allows the valuable facts to be shared and learned by each generation.
MLM leaders need to be aware of the feelings and emotions surrounding product testimonies and highlight that emotion for potential user of their product or services.
Pink says "symphony is largely about relationships.
" The conceptual age will reward multi-taskers who can connect the relationship dots between seemingly unrelated individuals and events.
MLM leaders need to be able to apply their individual right-brained talents such as music and art into traditional left-brained business models in order to be successful.
Empathy is the ability to walk in someone else's "shoes.
" It is easy to say...
"I know how you feel" and a completely different experience to truly feel and understand what someone is going through.
As a successful MLM leader, empathy is in high demand.
Successful leaders will impact their bottom line by truly understanding their customer and meeting their needs.
Play, is all about having fun! When you're having fun you will be more productive and when you are more productive you will be more financially successful.
At the core of your MLM business, it needs to be fun and engaging.
The MLM network needs to build a team around activities, challenges and incentives inside and outside the business.
Meaning is the final aptitude that Pink addresses.
He states that as a society we are on a journey in search of meaning.
He cites a report from UFC titled "A Spiritual Audit of Corporate America.
" In the report, spirituality was defined by most executives not as religion, but as "the basic desire to find purpose and meaning in one's life.
" MLM business needs to provide meaning, passion and purpose not only to the team member but to the customers they serve.
In conclusion, Albert Einstein is the perfect example of what can happen when the balance is found between the right and left brain.
Einstein is known for many famous scientific theories including the theory of relativity.
He was once asked how he developed such complex scientific theories...
he responded by pointing to his head saying that he used a pencil and a piece of paper to develop his ideas to demonstrate the perfect union of analysis and creativity and solve problems.
His discovery identified that the human brain has two different ways of thinking.
What side of the brain do you think most successful MLM leaders use? Let's get a basic understanding of the thinking process.
The right side of the brain is more visual and processes information intuitively and simultaneously, first looking at the big picture and then focusing on the details.
Words used to describe the process of the right brain are creative, intuitive, holistic, empathetic, synthesizing, artistic and subjective.
Traditional jobs using the right brain include art, music, writing and theater.
The left brain is considered more verbal and processes information in an analytical and sequential method, first looking at the pieces and then putting them together as a whole.
Words used to describe the left brain are logical, linear, sequential, analytical and objective.
Traditional jobs include accountants, engineers and lawyers.
Generally speaking, most individuals have a preference as their thinking style.
In our culture, schools and business tend to favor left-brained thinking and downplay and even discourage right-brain capacity.
Even as parents we encouraged our students to pursue left-brained careers knowing that it would be very difficult to make a "good" living in the right-brained world.
Based on this information would you predict that most MLM leaders use left-brained thinking? Daniel Pink, the best selling author of "A Whole New Mind: Why Right-Brainers Will Rule the Future" would probably predict that in order for MLM businesses to thrive, they will need to embrace and maximize right-brained thinking.
He provides convincing evidence that our country is in the so-called "conceptual age" and states that right-brained skills such as design and storytelling will become more critical for the success of traditional businesses than left-brained skills.
Historically, most business models including MLM tend to operate from left-brained thinking.
Pink would recommend right-brained qualities of inventiveness, empathy and meaning to take your MLM business to thrive in the conceptual age.
He would encourage MLM leader to maintain our left-brained skills and master the six essential right-brained aptitudes...
Design, Story, Symphony, Empathy, Play and Meaning.
Design is essential in life whether we are talking about fashion or architecture.
Good design is essential to good products.
Right-brained thinking allows us to understand how people use products in order to improve the quality of their lives.
MLM leaders not only need to select great products and services, they need to provide insightful marketing to identify the target niche and meet the "how" need.
For example, if your product provides a solution to aging, marketing should be directed to those experiencing the negative impact of growing old.
Story is how information is passed from one generation to another.
It is always the emotion in the story that allows the valuable facts to be shared and learned by each generation.
MLM leaders need to be aware of the feelings and emotions surrounding product testimonies and highlight that emotion for potential user of their product or services.
Pink says "symphony is largely about relationships.
" The conceptual age will reward multi-taskers who can connect the relationship dots between seemingly unrelated individuals and events.
MLM leaders need to be able to apply their individual right-brained talents such as music and art into traditional left-brained business models in order to be successful.
Empathy is the ability to walk in someone else's "shoes.
" It is easy to say...
"I know how you feel" and a completely different experience to truly feel and understand what someone is going through.
As a successful MLM leader, empathy is in high demand.
Successful leaders will impact their bottom line by truly understanding their customer and meeting their needs.
Play, is all about having fun! When you're having fun you will be more productive and when you are more productive you will be more financially successful.
At the core of your MLM business, it needs to be fun and engaging.
The MLM network needs to build a team around activities, challenges and incentives inside and outside the business.
Meaning is the final aptitude that Pink addresses.
He states that as a society we are on a journey in search of meaning.
He cites a report from UFC titled "A Spiritual Audit of Corporate America.
" In the report, spirituality was defined by most executives not as religion, but as "the basic desire to find purpose and meaning in one's life.
" MLM business needs to provide meaning, passion and purpose not only to the team member but to the customers they serve.
In conclusion, Albert Einstein is the perfect example of what can happen when the balance is found between the right and left brain.
Einstein is known for many famous scientific theories including the theory of relativity.
He was once asked how he developed such complex scientific theories...
he responded by pointing to his head saying that he used a pencil and a piece of paper to develop his ideas to demonstrate the perfect union of analysis and creativity and solve problems.