Beauty Customs for Russian Women

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    • The traditional Russian sauna known as the banya is a refreshing and detoxifying old custom still widely practiced today. Participants alternately sit in the steam bath (which is traditionally heated by coals) and take a plunge into a cold pool. The heat of the sauna causes capillaries in the skin to dilate and allows toxins to exit the body through sweat. Jumping into the icy water (or taking a cold shower), immediately restricts the capillaries, further facilitating the removal of toxins by the circulatory and lymphatic system.
      Today, banyas are often fragranced with oils such as peppermint or lavender and may sometimes include massage.


    • The platza skin treatment is closely associated with the banya. While in the sauna, the participant is lightly beaten and massaged with a venik, an oak leaf broom soaked in olive oil. Natural astringents found in the oak leaf exfoliate the skin and open the pores to remove toxins.

    Traditional Clothing

    • Traditional Russian clothing was meant to be both practical and beautiful. Women used clothing to emphasize their beauty and restraint by employing a wide variety of colors, especially red. Clothing was further decorated by embroidering patterns of richly colored thread. Because women frequently performed chores or other labor, these outfits were designed to be comfortable and allow free movement. Many of these early clothing characteristics (especially the value placed on bright colors and patterns) have carried over into modern Russian fashion.


    • Writing for "Global Cosmetics Industry," Liz Grubow asserts that Eastern Europe is a rapidly expanding market for cosmetics such as fragrances and makeup. In 2003, Russia's cosmetics and toiletries industry totaled more than $5.2 billion.Russian women also spend a large percentage of their income on cosmetics; some spend up to $300 a month on them. Imported luxury brands are especially desirable, as are many Western brands such as L'Oreal and Revlon.


    • In her study, Alexandra Korotchenko found Russian women place high value on maintaining an extremely feminine appearance. For this reason, many Russian women feel that well-done makeup and fashionable clothing are daily essentials. Korotchenko also noticed a culture of negativity in Russia toward old age, which prompts may Russian women to spend time and money especially on anti-aging products and procedures. This fixation on anti-aging may be behind a recent trend in American spas: Russian caviar facials.

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