You Have To Love It All The Latest Devices Available On The Market Today
Especially all the jump drives and memory sticks that can make your life so much easier these days.
As a woman I don't like any complicated devices.
I do use memory sticks on a daily basis and I like to check out all the new devices on the market.
I have recently read about the Lexar Jump Drive Mercury which I found very cool.
The drive not only can store 1Gb- 2Gb of data but also it has the coolest feature than no other drive has had before.
It actually has an external capacity meter.
It is amazing how you don't have too plug it in anymore to see how much space you have left on your drive; it shows you right away when you look at the stick casing.
Another great feature that the drive has is a Secure II software system which allows you to create a password protected partition and allow you to shred deleted files.
The only con that I found about this feature is that if you have deleted files you might never be able to recover them.
So I think I will think twice about shredding anything.
Transcend Jet Flash 210 I also found out about a Transcend Jet Flash 210 which got me hooked.
This device is really great.
It can store from 1 GB-2GB of data.
I think that this new device really is interesting.
With a swab of your finger print you are accessing the drive.
I think that this is perfect since you will not have to worry anymore about someone else stealing and using your data.
I lost my jump drive once and it did not feel good since I could not imagine a total stranger looking through my pictures and data that I had saved.
This stick allows you to pick ten other trusted members so they could also enter the data.
I think that's great since you could let your husband or boyfriend use the stick or you could prevent them from using it and keep it private.
This device should be great for teachers, students like me or for everyone else.
Not only does it look good but actually has a purpose of storing and making sure you feel safe about your data.
I found this very interesting and decided to share this information with other potential jump drive users.