Need to Understand
We neglect sometimes and truth is never found
We see the things ourselves while making round
Making some gestures is only steps we find sound
Many disabled people find they want something more
We should see the reason behind and explore
They need some attention but still not enough
We need be kind with works and not look so rough
They are not sick mentally and seek attention
They are love hungry and want pet on back or mention
They look forward to you for special care
They want to know what and where they are?
Eyes rise up to see what you can offer
They are ready to forget how much they suffer?
Let us be kind enough to know their woes
Let us be real friends to them and not prove as foes
We may be doing lot of charities at home
We may often visit them and welcome
Do they really need only lip service or mere gesture?
Do they not see in our eyes their only future?
Children may sometimes wonder at our attitude?
They may not be in position to assess our gratitude
They look with pity and eagerly watch at our apathy
Is the token help that we can offer as sympathy?
They may be destitute and poor but helpless
No proper place in society and even jobless
Let us be little considerate and offer real belonging
It may last for ever and impact longing
They are part of healthy society
They are not less than any deity
We try to look generous but with scant respect
Still they want out soul to look beyond and introspect