Getting Your Ex Back - How Can You Make Your Ex Regret Breaking Up With You?
Of course, that is exactly what you want to do, because you love your ex deeply and are missing him/her so much.
However, if you do this, your ex will see you as weak and pathetic, and more than likely be very embarrassed by your behaviour.
So, do exactly the opposite - don't to anything! This will really get your ex hot and bothered.
He/she will not understand your actions at all.
Even though you are feeling as down as you are right now, force yourself to go out with your friends and to enjoy your life, as much as you can.
You will enjoy being with your friends so much that, after a few days, you won't have to pretend anymore - you WILL be happy.
You won't even have to contact your ex - your friends will do this for you.
It is just natural that they will tell your ex all about what you are doing right now.
This will get your ex thinking really hard about the break up.
In fact, it will even make your ex start to regret breaking up with you.
This is the start of getting your ex back! Just carry on as you are and you can be certain that at some point your ex won't be able to stand the suspense anymore, and will contact you.
Still, don't do what your ex expects of you - don't talk about the break up at all.
If your ex starts to talk about it, get off the subject as soon as possible.
You will be getting your ex back very soon.
Your ex really won't know what is going on, and will come straight out with it and say that the worst thing that he/she did was to break up with you.
You can also be sure that your ex will tell you that you and he/she should get back together again - as soon as possible.