How to Prepare for Liposuction Surgery
- 1). Research your procedure thoroughly. Understanding it will help calm your anxieties and hasten your recovery.
- 2). Stop taking all medicines (such as aspirin) that can interfere with clotting two weeks prior to your surgery. Check with your surgeon for specifics. Vitamin E can interfere with clotting as well.
- 3). Quit smoking two weeks prior to your procedure. It interferes with healing.
- 4). Make sure you've got everything you'll need after surgery, including medications. You don't want to have to make trips to the store post-op.
- 5). Forego shaving any hairs near the surgical site, 24 hours or longer, before the surgery. Shaving over the liposuction region before surgery can cause ingrown hairs after the surgery.
- 6). Don't eat or drink after midnight the night before the procedure.
- 7). Sign a surgical consent form.
- 8). Be sure to tell your doctor about every medicine you are allergic to.
- 9). Wear loose-fitting clothes. After the procedure, you will want to slip into something soft and unbinding.
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Ask someone to drive you to and from the procedure, since you'll feel weak afterward.