Sun Poisoning in Children
- The symptoms of sun poisoning are nausea, fever, headache, dizziness, fluid loss and electrolyte imbalance. These reactions accompany the normal symptoms of a sunburn.
- According to, sun poisoning occurs during hot times of the year when ultraviolet light is the strongest. Children on medications that cause photosensitivity are more likely than others to get sun poisoning.
- Treatment for sun poisoning includes: drinking plenty of fluids, aloe vera applied topically to the skin, ice compresses, cool water bath and pain medication.
- To prevent sun poisoning, stay out of the sun between 10am and 2pm. Wearing a sunscreen with an SPF of at least 15 can minimize skin damage in the sun. Staying in the shade if you are out in the middle of the day can also minimize exposure.
- Certain conditions make someone predisposed to getting sun poisoning. Take extra precautions if you have a preexisting infection, have had sun poisoning before, or the existence of any metabolic disorders like diabetes mellitus or thyroid disease.
Risk Factors