Find Out Why the No Contact Rule Is the Best Way to Get Your Ex Back for Good!
There is good chance that at the moment, your fingers are almost on the phone, ready to dial his or her number to try to beg for forgiveness.
You, unfortunately, believe that if your ex hears how upset you are, or if you have the chance to explain yourself and make endless promises, that you will get them back.
This is exactly the wrong thing to do, and more likely, you will ruin any chance you may have had to get back together.
Its time to try a different track, the No Contact Rule.
The No Contact Rule is exactly what the name sounds like, it requires that you have no contact with your ex in any way, shape, or form.
This is vital to getting your ex back because right now, he or she is truly hurt and angry with you, and you are the last person they want to see or speak to.
While this information is certainly hurtful, it is common after a breakup to feel that way, so it is important that you implement the No Contact Rule as soon as possible for the best results.
Both of you will benefit from the time apart that is required by the No Contact Rule.
It will allow the both of you to move beyond your hurt feelings and begin to miss being with one another again.
It will also allow you to evaluate your relationship to see where you can fix the problems that led to the breakup, so when you do get back together, you won't just repeat the same mistake all over again.
Once time has passed and your ex has a chance to really miss you and you them.
The No Contact Rule has worked its magic and he or she will likely break down and contact you.
You will both be in a good place to have a meaningful conversation about giving the relationship another chance.