Precautions After Lasik Eye Surgery
First and foremost, you'll need to apply the medications prescribed by your doctor according to the established schedule. In most cases, you'll have a steroid based medication that you'll apply quite frequently during the first four hours after LASIK eye surgery. Also, you may have antibiotic eye drops that will help prevent any infection. Be sure to adhere to the schedule with these medications, especially during the first four hours.
After the first four hours, you'll still use these same medications, but the frequency will be reduced to one every six hours.
You should also have a supply of artificial tears to provide lubrication to your eye. Use these drops according to the established schedule and also at anytime your eyes feel dry. Keeping your eyes moist greatly enhances the healing process, so don't skimp on the artificial tears.
As you start to get back into your normal daily activities, there are certain things you'll need to avoid -
- Don't get involved in any activities that could result in an object coming into contact with your eyes.
- When you shower, don't allow the water stream to hit your eyes.
- Don't get soap or shampoo in your eyes.
- Don't get dust or pet hair in your eyes.
- Don't rub your eyes.
- Don't go out in bright sunlight without sun glasses.
- Don't let your eyes get too dry - use the artificial tears as often as needed.
- Don't rub your eyes while you're sleeping - a special mask, provided by your doctor will protect your eyes while sleeping.
It is absolutely imperative that you faithfully follow your doctor's schedule for medications, especially during the first week after your procedure. You've probably been given a steroid based medication to promote quick healing, so be sure to use it. Also, you may have been prescribed antibiotic eye drops to prevent an infection, so be sure to use them as recommended.
Your eyes are important and you'll want to protect them thru the healing process. Be absolutely sure to follow your doctor's instructions and you should have a quick, successful recovery!