Looking Beyond the Typical Boyfriend Breakup Excuses to Find Meaning
Chances are that he doesn't really know the exact reason why.
He only knows that all is not well in the relationships.
Most breakups are not a kneejerk reaction to one moment, argument, or event.
They are a slow and steady build up.
Looking back and defining the moment of broken trust or faith is important if you really want to salvage the relationship and move past the boyfriend breakup excuses in order to set things right between the two of you.
Here's what you need to do: Analyze the Relationship Look back in time, perhaps way back, to see where things began feeling off between the two of you.
What seems to be the barrier that went up? Was it the result of a fight? Did you cheat? Did he cheat? Did you do something you think he doesn't know about? Secrets have a way of coming between you because you build barriers of your own.
Figure out where things started going wrong and then you can figure out what needs to be done to bridge the gap.
Self Assess the Damage Once you've learned what caused the damage, look at the situation carefully to see how or even if the damage can be undone.
Whatever you discover is the root of the problem remember; that the solution needs to fit the situation.
In the case of an affair or cheating, you are going to need to expect to do some serious damage control in order to save the relationship.
You are also going to need to be patient and allow an appropriate amount of time to pass before you make your move.
Correct the Problem Before you apologize you need to do some serious soul searching and decide if the behavior or action is worth the risk to your relationship (or in this case the loss of your relationship).
If you cannot change the action that led to the end of your relationship then you might want to consider moving on.
You can't really make amends until you are willing to do whatever it takes to make sure the situation doesn't repeat itself.
Apologize From the bottom of your heart, offer an apology for your role in the problem.
Accept the blame and avoid transferring responsibility to him in any way at all.
Doing this will eliminate the arguments that are often included in the boyfriend breakup excuses before he has the opportunity to use them.