Instructions on How to Draw Flowers
- 1). Find and collect pictures of flowers that you want to draw.
- 2). Look closely at each flower and point out the basic shape in each part of the flower. Common shapes in flowers are ovals, circles, triangles and cones. Triangles or ovals, for example, may be the petals in a certain flower type.
- 3). Draw the basic shapes as seen on the pictures on your blank piece of paper with a pencil. Note the placement of the shapes in relation to the space of your page. The basic shapes will give you the overall shape and proportion of the flowers.
- 4). Make the flower parts more realistic by lightly using your pencil to round corners, make the petals droop, add ridges, and attach the shapes to each other. Come up with a smooth basic outline for each flower.
- 5). Use your pen to go over the basic outline of each flower that you created in step four.
- 6). Look at the flower pictures to determine where shadows are on the flowers. Use your pencil to shadow in light and dark areas on your flower drawings.
- 7). Draw the details of the flowers in pencil by adding in curves in petals, folds or altering the flower to your preference.
- 8). Trace the final flower image with a pen to finalize the picture. Erase any excess pencil lines.