Labor Law Poster Requirements

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    • There are ten labor law posters frequently required by federal regulations. They are titled "Job Safety & Health," "Equal Employment Opportunity," "Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) --- Minimum Wage," "Employee Right for Workers with Disabilities/Special Minimum Wage Poster," "Family & Medical Leave, USERRA --- Veteran Rights," "Federal Construction Contracts (Davis-Bacon)," "Construction Contracts," "Notice: Employee Polygraph Protection," and "Notice Migrant & Seasonal Agricultural Workers."


    • Most of the posters only need to be posted if the employer has employees who are directly affected by the law. For example, the "Employee Right for Workers with Disabilities/Special Minimum Wage Poster" only needs to be posted by employers with disabled employees subject to section 14(c) of the Fair Labor Standards Act. Other posters only apply to federal government employers, or employers with federal contracts. The most broad requirement is for the "Job Safety & Health" poster, which must be posted by all private employers engaged in a business affecting commerce. This includes any business operating a conduit of commerce or relating to any item of commerce.


    • States generally have greater power to regulate intrastate business than the federal government. The Act of 1970 established a system to incentivize the creation of individual state occupational safety plans. These must be created by state legislation that establishes safety and health standards and an enforcement agency. State plans must be approved and are monitored by the federal Occupational Safety and Health Agency (OSHA).


    • Labor law posters are used to inform employees of their rights. To comply with the posting requirements, they have to be posted in a "conspicuous" place accessible by the relevant employees. In practice, this usually means a break or lunch room, near a time clock, or on a remote job site.


    • Taking advantage of the labor law poster requirements, there are several businesses that compile all the necessary posters for each state. This makes is fairly easy to meet the requirements. Some companies will also automatically inform their customers of any changes in the posting requirements. Posters made of recyclable material are also available.

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