What Are You Doing To Get Your Ex Back?
You are not alone, many couples unfortunately are in the same boat.
The breakup pattern is repeated usually because couples lack the practice of successful making up skills.
Here are some proven tactics that can guide you and get your ex back.
You may try to get your ex back too quickly.
All too often, couples try to get back together too soon after a breakup.
Not enough time passes to even process what has happened, and while the emotions are still in a fragile state, it does not take much to set each other off.
A breakup can take its toll on a person and bouncing right back into a relationship together is destined for disaster.
After a breakup, you and your ex need to take some time apart.
While this is going to be difficult to do, any chance to get your ex back depends on some much needed personal time and space.
You must accept that there are many things to process and time alone is going to give you the opportunity to do just that.
Look at what has transpired, try to determine why it happened, and what could have been done differently.
You might feel you are not at blame, but we all know it takes two to tango.
You spend time depressed, withdrawn and feeling hopeless to get your ex back.
People waste too much time being negative.
If you are going to take some time for yourself, spend it in a positive frame of mind.
This tactic has many advantages in the process to get your ex back:
- You will feel better mentally and be better off health-wise
- Being positive helps build self-esteem and self-image
- Your ex will see you having a good time and wonder what they are missing out on
Maybe being in a relationship has stifled aspects of your personality and interests.
Rediscover the things you love and love to do.
For some of you it might be a trip somewhere, for others taking up a hobby will make them happy.
Spend less time dwelling on the negatives and most of your time focusing on a positive and happy you.
Communicating after a breakup with your ex.
While it might be the first thing you want to do, avoid any form of communication with your ex.
This means no phone calls, no emails or texts, and no "off-chance" meetings or drop-ins at their place.
Your ex probably is dealing with many emotions too, and communication could be met with nasty comebacks and remarks.
The lack of communication will also build suspense.
They will want you to contact them, but when you avoid that, they will likely wonder what you are up to.