Is Healthy Chocolate Really Healthy?
Since Xocai made it's appearance in the marketplace the chocolate world (and also the fitness food world, the diet industry and undoubtedly your e-mail inbox) has been buzzing with the idea of "healthy chocolate.
" While there definitely are benefits to dark chocolate and unquestionably benefits to a number of the ingredients utilized in the unique "healthy chocolate" the very simple continues to be that the most effective way to get healthy, slim down, have more vitality and prevent possibly uncomfortable side effects is to simply eat a healthy diet, workout and for God's sake indulge yourself every now and then.
The entire notion of a "healthy chocolate" is laughable and rather reminiscent of the notion of a "cookie diet".
One who expects to slim down through eating only cookies can't possibly expect as many health rewards from their diet as they might were they to simply get up exercise and eat proper meals in the first place.
That said - is there any reality to the "healthy chocolate" stories which are floating around on the web? Xocai is a product owned by MXI Corp.
Their business framework operates similar to that of Mary Kay, they recruit resellers who are paid out a portion of revenue and compensated with bonuses and allowances for product sales volume.
Regrettably due to this method numerous resellers are quite happy to tell you absolutely whatever you are prepared to hear in order to make their sale.
Xocai is a popular new toy on the chocolate market being pushed everywhere you look by anybody and everybody that has subscribed to their resellers program.
What about the actual product though? Most Xocai items incorporate dark chocolate.
There are several benefits of including a small amount of dark chocolate in to your daily diet.
These health benefits include reduced blood pressure, lowered cholesterol, enhanced blood circulation and lowered probability of infarction.
So now we've got the benefits that may be found in Xocai along with plain old high quality low-cost dark chocolate.
Exactly what does Xocai have that regular dark chocolate hasn't got? The greatest bragging point of Xocai or "healthy chocolate" is the ORAC values of ingredients in the particular products.
What are ORAC values? ORAC values are Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity units, a means of calculating the antioxidant values of particular ingredients.
Antioxidants like those present in dark chocolate are beneficial for a lot of reasons but specifically for neutralizing free radicals in the body (which according to popular belief slows aging.
) So back to those ORAC levels in "healthy chocolate.
" It's well known that dark chocolate has high levels of anti-oxidants, we also are aware that particular "superfoods" include high levels of antioxidants too.
Fruits like the acai berry and blueberry are regarded as two of those "superfoods" and contribute significant amounts of antioxidants in supplementation to the already large levels of antioxidants in dark chocolate.
It is basically a matter of mathematics then when it comes to the question of why Xocai has such large antioxidant values, whenever you blend several items with high antioxidant values it only adds up that the ORAC levels are going to be greater than one of those items alone.
Is Xocai a sensational revolution in healthy chocolate? Most likely not.
Does Xocai offer some gains that can't be obtained in standard dark chocolate? Possibly, however were you to consume a few acai berries or blueberries with your dark chocolate you'd probably take in just as many antioxidants as you would with the Xocai mixture and pay a substantially smaller amount of your paycheck.
The truth is, if you are searching to become healthy think about foregoing the chocolate all together and augment your diet with all-natural berries along with other foods high in antioxidants like standard unsweetened cocoa powder, cranberries and spices.
Then why the hype? Healthy chocolate is a unique product on the market which includes two of our favorite words, healthy and chocolate.
Even though our minds realize that this could never be the sensation we would like it to be we persuade ourselves that it is...
or else we're persuaded by the countless Xocai resellers.
While Xocai does absolutely incorporate natural ingredients and health and fitness benefits it's not a staple of a nutritious diet and regrettably numerous "healthy chocolate" sales reps are pushing it as such.
Xocai is not only not an efficient to way diet but it is a very costly one.
The soundest way to diet is and always will be eating healthy unprocessed foods and integrating physical exercise into an everyday routine.
It also needs to be mentioned that the jury is still out on whether acai berries really do offer any kind of slimming benefits at all without the inclusion of thermogenic additives.
Well since there are some advantages to Xocai are there any negative effects? The so called "healthy chocolate" includes acai berries that in addition to antioxidant advantages also have the natural quality of cleaning the bowels.
This can lead to diarrhea and increased bowel movements.
It's also entirely possible that anyone who has a serious allergy to pollen could have a serious allergic reaction to acai berries causing itching eyes, congestion and a rash.
While there is little data available about the specific adverse side effects of Xocai in general it could be well worth noting that every website in searching range about Xocai also ends up having a "buy your healthy chocolate here" link on it too.
Xocai is the most recent idea, the follower to the acai berry diet, that was the follower of the cookie diet, that was the follower of the Hollywood diet and it is certain that there will be a newer idea to follow Xocai when it's moment passes.
Meanwhile I recommend that you use caution but most importantly use your common sense.
A healthy chocolate with absolutely nobody telling you about their unfavorable experience but simply everyone publishing their remarkable experiences with reseller links? Even Godiva have their critics.
" While there definitely are benefits to dark chocolate and unquestionably benefits to a number of the ingredients utilized in the unique "healthy chocolate" the very simple continues to be that the most effective way to get healthy, slim down, have more vitality and prevent possibly uncomfortable side effects is to simply eat a healthy diet, workout and for God's sake indulge yourself every now and then.
The entire notion of a "healthy chocolate" is laughable and rather reminiscent of the notion of a "cookie diet".
One who expects to slim down through eating only cookies can't possibly expect as many health rewards from their diet as they might were they to simply get up exercise and eat proper meals in the first place.
That said - is there any reality to the "healthy chocolate" stories which are floating around on the web? Xocai is a product owned by MXI Corp.
Their business framework operates similar to that of Mary Kay, they recruit resellers who are paid out a portion of revenue and compensated with bonuses and allowances for product sales volume.
Regrettably due to this method numerous resellers are quite happy to tell you absolutely whatever you are prepared to hear in order to make their sale.
Xocai is a popular new toy on the chocolate market being pushed everywhere you look by anybody and everybody that has subscribed to their resellers program.
What about the actual product though? Most Xocai items incorporate dark chocolate.
There are several benefits of including a small amount of dark chocolate in to your daily diet.
These health benefits include reduced blood pressure, lowered cholesterol, enhanced blood circulation and lowered probability of infarction.
So now we've got the benefits that may be found in Xocai along with plain old high quality low-cost dark chocolate.
Exactly what does Xocai have that regular dark chocolate hasn't got? The greatest bragging point of Xocai or "healthy chocolate" is the ORAC values of ingredients in the particular products.
What are ORAC values? ORAC values are Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity units, a means of calculating the antioxidant values of particular ingredients.
Antioxidants like those present in dark chocolate are beneficial for a lot of reasons but specifically for neutralizing free radicals in the body (which according to popular belief slows aging.
) So back to those ORAC levels in "healthy chocolate.
" It's well known that dark chocolate has high levels of anti-oxidants, we also are aware that particular "superfoods" include high levels of antioxidants too.
Fruits like the acai berry and blueberry are regarded as two of those "superfoods" and contribute significant amounts of antioxidants in supplementation to the already large levels of antioxidants in dark chocolate.
It is basically a matter of mathematics then when it comes to the question of why Xocai has such large antioxidant values, whenever you blend several items with high antioxidant values it only adds up that the ORAC levels are going to be greater than one of those items alone.
Is Xocai a sensational revolution in healthy chocolate? Most likely not.
Does Xocai offer some gains that can't be obtained in standard dark chocolate? Possibly, however were you to consume a few acai berries or blueberries with your dark chocolate you'd probably take in just as many antioxidants as you would with the Xocai mixture and pay a substantially smaller amount of your paycheck.
The truth is, if you are searching to become healthy think about foregoing the chocolate all together and augment your diet with all-natural berries along with other foods high in antioxidants like standard unsweetened cocoa powder, cranberries and spices.
Then why the hype? Healthy chocolate is a unique product on the market which includes two of our favorite words, healthy and chocolate.
Even though our minds realize that this could never be the sensation we would like it to be we persuade ourselves that it is...
or else we're persuaded by the countless Xocai resellers.
While Xocai does absolutely incorporate natural ingredients and health and fitness benefits it's not a staple of a nutritious diet and regrettably numerous "healthy chocolate" sales reps are pushing it as such.
Xocai is not only not an efficient to way diet but it is a very costly one.
The soundest way to diet is and always will be eating healthy unprocessed foods and integrating physical exercise into an everyday routine.
It also needs to be mentioned that the jury is still out on whether acai berries really do offer any kind of slimming benefits at all without the inclusion of thermogenic additives.
Well since there are some advantages to Xocai are there any negative effects? The so called "healthy chocolate" includes acai berries that in addition to antioxidant advantages also have the natural quality of cleaning the bowels.
This can lead to diarrhea and increased bowel movements.
It's also entirely possible that anyone who has a serious allergy to pollen could have a serious allergic reaction to acai berries causing itching eyes, congestion and a rash.
While there is little data available about the specific adverse side effects of Xocai in general it could be well worth noting that every website in searching range about Xocai also ends up having a "buy your healthy chocolate here" link on it too.
Xocai is the most recent idea, the follower to the acai berry diet, that was the follower of the cookie diet, that was the follower of the Hollywood diet and it is certain that there will be a newer idea to follow Xocai when it's moment passes.
Meanwhile I recommend that you use caution but most importantly use your common sense.
A healthy chocolate with absolutely nobody telling you about their unfavorable experience but simply everyone publishing their remarkable experiences with reseller links? Even Godiva have their critics.