Understanding Vata and the Vedic Tradition of Energetic Manifestation
For those of you who get to read this in time...
this information is of extreme value in accordance with the vibration the solar system is omitting onto the earth, right now, with the current cosmic alignments.
All of the energy in the solar system is working together, earth just happens to be the center of the attention for the moment.
And the earth, moon and sun as well as Pluto and Venus have remained in a very particular alignment for quite some time to help us prepare for galactic alignments with the solar system.
I stressed recapitulations.
And hoping you have done so, I have been guided to bring back the understanding of the puma warrior and how the training and practice of the puma warrior will give control over the separation of positive and negative from source energy, balance and expand the potential of the second chakra and raise impeccability in wisdom to know when it is appropriate to take a lunge at something using excess strength from your energy reserve.
Taoist and Buddhist teachers often instruct their students to center their mind in the dantian.
This is believed to aid control of thoughts and emotions.
Acting from the dantian WAS considered to be related to the state of samadhi.
However, much of the true ancient teachings were spread by mouth only and so we have much less with us today, conserved in writing, than was actually practiced and understood in other times.
The Dantian really, IS the second chakra, the sexual chakra, the sacral chakra.
It IS our store house for energy.
Where we can conserve energy to betaken from when needed for manifestation The Sacral Chakra is governed mostly by the air element, The element which controls thoughts and desires, helps with the development of bone growth, the removal of waste product when you go to the toilet and affects digestion and cirulation.
Controlling your thoughts is a precursor to controlled emotion but a thought vibrates at a different frequency than an emotion, and you really DO NOT want your emotional body to be focused in your second chakra.
I would therefore contest much Chinese spiritual philosophy of hiding/controlling emotion behind the power of their dantians or second chakras.
Emotion resonates at a higher level and connects with the heart chakra, building upon a groups collective experience as shared emotions come after completion of projects.
Training as a Spiritual Puma Warrior will teach you how to separate source energy in the root chakra in controlled proportions of positive and negative, or yin and yang.
It will teach you how to bring the duality into the second chakra or dantian with a balance of yin and yang and a frictionless flow of chi and qigong.
You will know how to create more yin or more yang energy from source energy when there is unbalance.
From a point of balance your thoughts will become stable and you desires disciplined.
You will know how to be impeccable in how and what energy you use in your actions.
Again, I must bring up the cosmic alignments.
Are second chakras on subconscious desire and thought patterns are being stimulated so much during this time because the solstice on the 11th of July will create a lunar energy wave that will send out infinite amounts of heart chakra frequency for us to absorb.
The energy wave will be only of a few moments, though its resonance should be felt all day.
If the understanding of how energy is stored in the second chakra is not understood you will get a great day of good feeling but you would not have charged up with the heart energy of hundreds of love based experiences manifested in a normal matter.
Controlling Vata is the first thing that must be learned to begin training as A Spiritual Warrior Puma and is vital in knowing how to balance the positive and negative within the second chakra, which is vital to the healthy storage of energy in this energy center.
Vata, a mixture of space and air elements, is an energetic field created by the connection of the root chakra and the sacral chakra.
The root chakra is our gateway to connecting with the infinite potential, the consciousness of space.
The second chakra is where we separate pure Chi, Kundalini, or Energy into two different polarities.
The Yin and the Yang.
Shiva Shakti.
Positive and Negative, Light/dark, Male/female.
What we understand as primary dualities.
Because they are dualities they form a movement like two oppositely charged magnets, but within a frequency range, thus creating something similar to a planet or an electron.
It keeps us material and allows us to connect with the material world.
Before the energy can be separated it needs to be absorbed using personal intent through the root chakra.
Gravity and magnetism are good forms of energy to absorb from the root chakra.
Light can be absorbed.
Foods can be used.
this information is of extreme value in accordance with the vibration the solar system is omitting onto the earth, right now, with the current cosmic alignments.
All of the energy in the solar system is working together, earth just happens to be the center of the attention for the moment.
And the earth, moon and sun as well as Pluto and Venus have remained in a very particular alignment for quite some time to help us prepare for galactic alignments with the solar system.
I stressed recapitulations.
And hoping you have done so, I have been guided to bring back the understanding of the puma warrior and how the training and practice of the puma warrior will give control over the separation of positive and negative from source energy, balance and expand the potential of the second chakra and raise impeccability in wisdom to know when it is appropriate to take a lunge at something using excess strength from your energy reserve.
Taoist and Buddhist teachers often instruct their students to center their mind in the dantian.
This is believed to aid control of thoughts and emotions.
Acting from the dantian WAS considered to be related to the state of samadhi.
However, much of the true ancient teachings were spread by mouth only and so we have much less with us today, conserved in writing, than was actually practiced and understood in other times.
The Dantian really, IS the second chakra, the sexual chakra, the sacral chakra.
It IS our store house for energy.
Where we can conserve energy to betaken from when needed for manifestation The Sacral Chakra is governed mostly by the air element, The element which controls thoughts and desires, helps with the development of bone growth, the removal of waste product when you go to the toilet and affects digestion and cirulation.
Controlling your thoughts is a precursor to controlled emotion but a thought vibrates at a different frequency than an emotion, and you really DO NOT want your emotional body to be focused in your second chakra.
I would therefore contest much Chinese spiritual philosophy of hiding/controlling emotion behind the power of their dantians or second chakras.
Emotion resonates at a higher level and connects with the heart chakra, building upon a groups collective experience as shared emotions come after completion of projects.
Training as a Spiritual Puma Warrior will teach you how to separate source energy in the root chakra in controlled proportions of positive and negative, or yin and yang.
It will teach you how to bring the duality into the second chakra or dantian with a balance of yin and yang and a frictionless flow of chi and qigong.
You will know how to create more yin or more yang energy from source energy when there is unbalance.
From a point of balance your thoughts will become stable and you desires disciplined.
You will know how to be impeccable in how and what energy you use in your actions.
Again, I must bring up the cosmic alignments.
Are second chakras on subconscious desire and thought patterns are being stimulated so much during this time because the solstice on the 11th of July will create a lunar energy wave that will send out infinite amounts of heart chakra frequency for us to absorb.
The energy wave will be only of a few moments, though its resonance should be felt all day.
If the understanding of how energy is stored in the second chakra is not understood you will get a great day of good feeling but you would not have charged up with the heart energy of hundreds of love based experiences manifested in a normal matter.
Controlling Vata is the first thing that must be learned to begin training as A Spiritual Warrior Puma and is vital in knowing how to balance the positive and negative within the second chakra, which is vital to the healthy storage of energy in this energy center.
Vata, a mixture of space and air elements, is an energetic field created by the connection of the root chakra and the sacral chakra.
The root chakra is our gateway to connecting with the infinite potential, the consciousness of space.
The second chakra is where we separate pure Chi, Kundalini, or Energy into two different polarities.
The Yin and the Yang.
Shiva Shakti.
Positive and Negative, Light/dark, Male/female.
What we understand as primary dualities.
Because they are dualities they form a movement like two oppositely charged magnets, but within a frequency range, thus creating something similar to a planet or an electron.
It keeps us material and allows us to connect with the material world.
Before the energy can be separated it needs to be absorbed using personal intent through the root chakra.
Gravity and magnetism are good forms of energy to absorb from the root chakra.
Light can be absorbed.
Foods can be used.