How Long Does the Flu Last For and What You Can Do?
How long does the flu last for and is there anything you can do to shorten its duration, or better still, avoid the flu altogether? The great news is that you CAN do something to both shorten the duration of the flu and to prevent it occurring in the future.
But to achieve this, you may need to face some of your prejudices.
That's one of the exciting things about life; you often need to look at something you are resisting in order to achieve your desired outcome.
Depending on how you view health, whether you are looking for a quick fix, ANY quick fix, regardless of the impact it will have on you and your body, or whether you are looking for a real, long term solution, will determine your success.
Let's look at typical quick fixes, which often don't fix anything.
You take a drug, either over the counter or prescribed.
All drugs, by their very nature, suppress your immune system, thereby making it more difficult to recover from the flu.
This can lead to a long recovery time, not necessarily of the flu itself, but of the lingering after effects, such as a cough or fatigue.
Doing nothing is preferable (except perhaps bed rest), because this means at least you are not hindering the best efforts of your body.
Taking better care of yourself such as eating a healthy diet, getting daily exposure to the sun, taking regular exercise, getting time out just for you, to relax and/or to recharge your batteries, will all have a much greater benefit to your recovery or prevention of flu than any drug will, as they are all in sync with your body.
However, all these measures take time and you doubtless want to shorten the duration of your flu now.
The best way to do this is to use homeopathic treatment.
Homeopathic works by not only supporting your immune system, but by stimulating it naturally.
Homeopathy is a powerful yet gentle giant of all health care, natural or otherwise.
Good homeopathic treatment is fast, dramatically shortening how long your flu lasts.
It has no toxic side effects.
And you can even learn how to use some of the common remedies for home treatment.
But to achieve this, you may need to face some of your prejudices.
That's one of the exciting things about life; you often need to look at something you are resisting in order to achieve your desired outcome.
Depending on how you view health, whether you are looking for a quick fix, ANY quick fix, regardless of the impact it will have on you and your body, or whether you are looking for a real, long term solution, will determine your success.
Let's look at typical quick fixes, which often don't fix anything.
You take a drug, either over the counter or prescribed.
All drugs, by their very nature, suppress your immune system, thereby making it more difficult to recover from the flu.
This can lead to a long recovery time, not necessarily of the flu itself, but of the lingering after effects, such as a cough or fatigue.
Doing nothing is preferable (except perhaps bed rest), because this means at least you are not hindering the best efforts of your body.
Taking better care of yourself such as eating a healthy diet, getting daily exposure to the sun, taking regular exercise, getting time out just for you, to relax and/or to recharge your batteries, will all have a much greater benefit to your recovery or prevention of flu than any drug will, as they are all in sync with your body.
However, all these measures take time and you doubtless want to shorten the duration of your flu now.
The best way to do this is to use homeopathic treatment.
Homeopathic works by not only supporting your immune system, but by stimulating it naturally.
Homeopathy is a powerful yet gentle giant of all health care, natural or otherwise.
Good homeopathic treatment is fast, dramatically shortening how long your flu lasts.
It has no toxic side effects.
And you can even learn how to use some of the common remedies for home treatment.