Video: Stuffed Peppers With Breading
Video Transcript
Hi, I'm Dr. Zarif. I'm the Founder of The Rhythm Diet. Have you ever wondered what else could you do with a bell pepper other than adding it to a salad? Well, today, we're going to talk about stuffing this bell pepper with your choice of breading. I've chosen the blue cornmeal dressing that I made earlier. And you can get your ready made dressing, you can add rice to yours, you can add Farina, for instance like a cream of wheat cornmeal. All of these are examples of what you can use to stuff your pepper. Now, what we're going to do is we're going to cut through the pepper. What we do, we turn the, we turn it on the side, just this, right. Okay. After that, what we want to do, well for the top, it's not so important, but we'll just remove some of these. All of these seeds are edible by the way. Get all of that out, just like that. Okay. Now, after that, the bottom is going to be a little different, it's easy, just take a knife and you remove the core here. Cut a little cut to remove that. Do it the same way. Now, you're probably saying, "Well, aren't you, aren't you going to cook this?" And I'm going to answer no, because we want the enzymes; see all that water, the moisture in here, we want to actually keep that. If you have a few seeds in there, don't worry about it; all of that is still nutrients. We take the dressing, just simply add the dressing and you just add your stuffing right into your pepper. And this is how you make a stuffed pepper with breading.