Accidents In Hairdressing Saloons - You Can Make An Injury Claim
If you have been injured whilst working in a barber shop or a hairdressing saloon due to no fault, you may be entitled to make an injury claim.
There are hundreds of injury lawyers available who will be happy to assist you with your injury claim on a genuine no win no fee basis.
So if you believe you have a case, it is important for you to get in touch with an independent injury lawyer as soon as possible and get your injury claim started.
Remember, you have three years from the accident date to pursue an injury claim for an accident that you had been involved in a hairdressing saloon.
Common Types Of Injuries Sustained By Hairdressers There are many different types of injuries that can affect hairdressers in a hairdressing saloon.
Common types of injuries for which an injury claim can be made include the following: Burn Injuries And Chemical Burns Hairdressers make use of many different types of heat styling tools including hair dryers, hair straighteners and hair curling tongs.
In order to prevent burn injuries, these heat styling tools must be inspected on a regular basis to ensure that they are safe to use.
In addition, they must be turned off when they are not in use.
This can help prevent accidental burn injuries.
Since hairdressers are mostly required to handle chemicals such as bleaches and hair dyes, they are at a greater risk of sustaining chemical burn injuries.
Electric Shocks Electric shocks are other dangers hairdressers are exposed to when working in hairdressing saloons.
This is because in a hairdressing saloon, water is also used alongside all the electrical equipment.
Slips and Trips In a hairdressing saloon, it is important to have a good system of cleaning in place.
Excess hair and splashes of water on the floor can be a major cause of slips and trips accidents.
Slips and trips can cause a wide range of injuries such as lacerations, fractures, bruises, soft tissue injuries, broken bones and head injuries.
Dermatitis Hairdressers are exposed to a range of chemicals and substances on a daily basis.
Some of the hair styling chemicals and substances include bleaches, shampoos, conditioners, hair colours, hair perming solutions, etc.
Since hairdressers spend much of their time handling all sorts of chemicals and substances, they are at a risk of developing dermatitis.